Hat's off to Cecil Pinto after the 'Remo' take.
That smoking drug loaded chelums, snorting cocain and smoking crude charas only could give us JESUS CHRIST SUPER STAR etc has now been brushed aside through this par excellence piece of writing. That 'Caju Feni' is here to compete with the time tested hullucinating brain strokes induced by afore mentioned drugs must be hailed.
Three Cheers to Cecil Pinto.
from his trusted friend
floriano lobo

----- Original Message ----- From: "Wendell Rodricks" <wendellrodri...@gmail.com>
To: <reply.goanet.n...@gmail.com>
Cc: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Sent: Friday, May 01, 2015 7:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] [Goanet-News] Not a single stupid statement from GoaMinisters, or their spouses, in one whole week (Cecil Pinto)

If not Goan Ministers, others fill the gap. The latest howler is about Rahul Gandhi eating beef and not purifying himself before going to holy places in the Himalayas. This is what caused the earthquake in Nepal. As idiotic as it sounded, it is deplorable that a tragedy of this magnitude can be taken so frivolously

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On 30-Apr-2015, at 10:42 PM, Goanet Reader <goanetrea...@gmail.com> wrote:

Not a single stupid statement from Goa Ministers, or their spouses, in one
whole week

By Cecil Pinto

         The Union of Goan Journalists today had an
         emergency meeting to express concern about the
         strange situation where no minister from the Goa
         Cabinet has said anything blatantly stupid in the
         last one week.

President of UGJ, Joe D'Souza, said, "Normally we could
depend on Mickey Pacheco to say something grammatically
bizarre but he has resigned from the cabinet and in fact is
in hiding from the police. So that dependable source for
sound-bytes has dried up."

"Chief Minister Parsekar also can be relied upon for a
headline by calling disabled children 'God's Mistakes' or to
tell girls that a dark skin would hurt their marital
prospects.  But the CM also is silent recently.  Of course
there seems to be a lot of 'bureaucratic mistakes' in
drafting of Bills and Amendments, but that is considered par
for the course with the current dispensation and the media
has begun taking that for granted."

         "You must remember it is not just us Goan
         journalists but the entire nation, and definitely
         the national press, looks towards Goa for stupid
         quotes.  The Dhavalikar family some days back gave
         us enough fodder to fill many pages.  But how long
         can we depend on just one family to make doltish
         statements about bikinis and sarees and kum kums
         and convent school education.  There has to be an
         equal opportunity and a balanced playing field.
         Dynasty politics, even in the number of outlandish
         comments one family can produce should not be a monopoly."

"For some time Deputy CM Francis D'Souza showed potential
with his affirmation that all Christians were born Hindu, and
that he was a Christian Hindu etc etc.  But that lasted just
a few days.  Except for the time that Parrikar left for Delhi
and D'Souza suddenly decided he was the champion of the
minority Catholic community, he has not really given any
brainless quotes that could make national headlines."

"We look forward to the opposition to fill up the gap left by
the ruling party.  Digambar Kamat's walk in public with a
naked sadhu was cool but really we need something more
provocative.  We need something to restore the nations faith
in us as a reliable source for moronic quotes.  This week the
Goa Cabinet has definitely failed us."

Via: Cecil Pinto's Facebook page. Goanet wishes Cecil a happy

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