As a Ex Borda citizen I am pained to read all this. These perceptions of
the pastare soiling the present and will sour the future. Both are mature
honorable men and Christians who must be known by their love and
FORGIVENESS. Nobody is perfect and to err is human. I do hope and pray that
you are right about "Vishque" (I confess I do not really know this word)
and moving on positively!

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 5:10 PM, Jose <> wrote:

> On May 5, 2015, at 5:39 AM, antonio CABA <> wrote:
> "If anybody wants to know who are these so called Goans, here is a prime
> example. This has been one of the many dirty habits that has characterized
> Goans for centuries. Neighbours, relatives, friends, acquaintances, etc.
> all indulge in it. And there are different shades of the nasty habit. Crab
> mentality?, petty-mindedness?, oneupmanship ?, jealousy?, envy? What is it?
> Don't know.     Sad Goa! "
> I respectfully disagree.
> For, while I accept that a few incidents of Petty Mindedness, Crab etc
> occur All over the world and in All communities, THIS is NOT such a case.
> Valmiki's latest post allows me to come to the following understanding: (
> 1: Valmiki and FC Colaco are (were) indeed good friends and neighbours.
> 2: Valmiki wrote a book.....
> 3: FC enjoyed the book....and initially said so
> 4: Valmiki's book has A statement which offended somebody , at least
> initially, other than FC
> 5: Then FC was incensed and lashed out at Valmiki's father.
> BTW: TRUE or FALSE, the rules of Medical Confidentiality PROHIBIT
> physicians from disclosing the diagnoses of patients.
> 6: Valmiki posted a rejoinder.
> 7: IF the friendship of FC and Valmiki is indeed that strong (as stated by
> both) and IF they truly have respect and admiration for each other, This
> Thing Shall Pass. BESIDES, Friendships and Years of Mutual Respect are TOO
> Valuable to be destroyed by a solitary Misunderstanding or a loose word
> here or there.
> 8: IF the friendship, regard, respect and admiration was NOT SOLID, it
> never will be.
> 9:  Time for FC and VF to have a 'Vishque' and move on.
> jc

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