Press Release
Panaji Goa

The AAP is concerned about the arbitrary manner in which the
Government seeks to implement the Regional Plan. After first threatening to
scrap it and then keeping it in abeyance for 3 years it has decided to
implement it without any system, however only after 'consulting' its BJP
MLAs. This amounts to a betrayal of the people in not addressing the
genuine concerns of the people about the plan. MLA's inputs will only work
for short term vote banks, and not with any long term vision.

The positives of the Regional Plan need to be retained. It was a first
attempt to clearly map and protect the Eco Sensitive zones of Goa such
as fields, forests, water bodies, slopes while reducing the FARs in
villages to protect them from speculative development. Even as this has
been respected in the Government Order, a number of projects are being
cleared under the 2021 plan on a “case to case” basis, violating Eco Zones.

While the decision to implement the plan is welcome, any corrections to the
plan need to follow certain procedures.

1. A proper documentation of all the objections to the plan done village
wise, sorting out the genuine issues from the more personal requests for
extra settlement area.

2. Only deletion of settlement area to be done in cases where it violates
eco zones or where the scale of the new settlement area is not in
conformity with projected village growth.

3. Road widths based on ground reality and not on proposed road lines as
shown on the Regional Plan (especially dotted one).

4. Deletion of Eco Tourism Zones which are scams where big investors have
bought large tracts of land and attempted to smuggle their projects into
the plan under the guise of Eco Tourism. (The Terekhol project which has
been stayed recently for violation of eco zone is  a clear example of this).

5. Reframing of MIZ (Micro Industrial Zone) as purely Village Work Areas
and scaling down to only include village industries for locals.

6. Farm houses in Orchard Zone need to be kept only ground floor and in the
true spirit of an agriculture based dwelling with a maximum of 5% of a
minimum 4,000 sq mt plot and maximum 10,000sq mt plot. The Town Planning is
attempting to double this FAR under the guise of eco houses by stipulating
additional gimmicks like solar panels.

7. No FAR increase beyond what is stipulated in the plan. The Town Planning
is randomly giving 50% extra FAR to Educational, Healthcare and IT
buildings without studying the impact of this additional FAR. The
additional 20% FAR to 4 and 5 star hotels is also another gimmick to cover
up violations.

8.  Outline Development Plans currently function as a separate entity from
the Regional Plan which is a disaster as it doesn't follow any logic of Eco
Zone or planned development. Outline Development Plans (ODPs) are nothing
but a plan in more detail. The Town Planning department is quietly trying
to separate ODPs from the Regional Plan so they can apply ODPs even to
village areas and subversively increase FAR without referring to the
Regional Plan.

9. Review the village plans where the plan prepared by the village
committee has been superseded by a Panchayat plan in “consultation” with
the local MLA.

10. Removal of mining areas from the plan only keeping those that fulfill
the Supreme Court directives of ecological protection and mining cap of 20
MT per year.

11. Undertake implementation of the proposed economic drivers of waterways,
improving inner loop road serving the old mining belt and connecting it to
the golden quadrilateral, doubling the railway line etc

12. Reviewing Mopa airport in the light of public opposition and major land
scams by politicians. Also acknowledging the fact that Dabolim airport can
easily double its capacity even with Navy presence.

Arch. Dean D'Cruz

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