Just one year after taking office, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing a
challenge that could come to haunt him - the farm sector that sustains
three-fifths of the population is in deep trouble, and he is being blamed
for not doing enough.

Promising good governance and a stronger economy, Modi romped to power in
elections last May by the biggest margin any prime minister has got in
three decades. But the rural crisis has dented his popularity and the
vanquished opposition is finding new vigour in his discomfort.

>From the start of the crop season last October through March, India's farm
exports have fallen more than 11 percent to $15 billion, as the impact of
the global commodities glut has been sharpened by events like Iran's
nuclear talks and a currency dip in Brazil

The fall in exports has depressed domestic farmgate prices just as
unseasonal rain damaged winter crops such as wheat, potato, chickpea and
rapeseed. Farmers have little money now to buy seeds for the summer sowing,
and meteorologists have predicted the annual June-October monsoon will be
below par, which means the next crop may also fail.

"A perception is gaining ground that the government is slow in responding
to the crisis in the countryside," said D.H. Pai Panandiker, president of
the RPG Foundation think-tank in New Delhi. "Any inept handling of the
situation will only invite trouble and impair the plans for economic

Farming accounts for only 15 percent of India's $2 trillion economy but
provides a livelihood to 60 percent of its 1.25 billion people. A crisis in
the countryside would have severe political impact.

The opposition Congress party, crushed by Modi a year ago, is latching on
to rising discontent in the countryside.

Party leader Rahul Gandhi has been touring the affected farming regions and
the heir apparent to the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty is getting a good

"While Modi has failed to help us, Rahul Gandhi was here to assuage our
pain," said Paramdeep Singh, a wheat farmer at Khanna wholesale market in
the northern Indian state of Punjab.

"His visit has forced the government to at least acknowledge the fact that
we've suffered huge losses."

The fightback by the opposition has slowed Modi's reform agenda in
parliament. This week, Congress delayed bills that would make it easier for
corporations to buy land - changes it says are "anti-farmer" - and
harmonize national and state taxes.


Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said last week agriculture was the biggest
challenge for India's economy and would need major investments.

Meanwhile, Modi's government has asked state governments to tap into more
than $1 billion from the State Disaster Response Fund and raised
compensation by 50 percent for farmers suffering crop losses.

In an attempt to draw the sting of falling exports and prices, the
government has also eased quality requirements for wheat purchases by state
agencies, raised import taxes on rubber and sugar, and given an incentive
for raw sugar exports.

To some farmers, the response is too little, too late.

"When you lose 10,000 rupees ($156), they offer you 100 rupees. So far we
haven't got any assistance," said Manik Andhale, a farmer from Kamargaon
village in Maharashtra state, whose onion crop suffered rain damage.

To be sure, some of the events that have led to the crisis are beyond the
government's control.

Until last year, for example, Iran <http://uk.reuters.com/places/iran> paid
a premium for Indian sugar, soymeal, barley and basmati rice. Now, with the
easing of some Western sanctions, Iran is looking to buy elsewhere.

Cotton exports have been hit by China <http://uk.reuters.com/places/china>'s
decision to abandon a stockpiling plan, while non-basmati rice shipments
face headwinds after Thailand decided to run down its stockpiles.

    On the other side of the world, a decline in the Brazilian real
following a scandal at oil giant Petrobras last year has weighed on sugar
prices, making Indian exports uncompetitive.

Meanwhile, the fall in global crude oil prices has depressed prices of
grains and oilseeds used for biofuels. It also trimmed freight rates,
making imports of commodities such as corn and soymeal from South America
cheaper for Asian buyers.

A strong rupee - despite a fall last week - has further made India's farm
exports uncompetitive and imports cheaper.

A major commodities trader has said the decline in agricultural exports
could be as much as $5 billion, or nearly 20 percent, for the crop year to
September, which would be the steepest on record.

In the villages, farmers struggle to understand why they are earning less.

"How come prices of all crops are going down?" asked Anil Sathe, a farmer
in Kamargaon who said he has had to start working as a part-time labourer
to make ends meet.

(Additional reporting by Krishna N. Das
Editing by Paritosh Bansal
, Douglas Busvine
 andRaju Gopalakrishnan


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Gabe Menezes.

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