Hi Joel,Great compilation of one of the greatest musicians Goa has ever 
produced.Emiliano was a family friend for over half a century, music being the 
main connection between our families.Further to what Paulo Dias mentioned on 
his reply, I was the one holding the cassettes at Emiliano's request. It was 
very unfortunate that Goan Association UK refused to let these cassettes be 
even given for distribution for donation for the man who gave so much for 
everyone, including themselves, and yet they allowed pirated music of Emiliano 
to be played and sold openly at the Goan Festival to the Goan public, thus 
depriving the man of his rightful meagre copyright earnings. When challenged, 
they protected those who sold his pirated music...I have just met Emiliano 
earlier this year and was very sad to see him so unwell as he had serious 
health issues. However, we shared our jokes and stories as we usually do, 
despite him struggling to breathe. He gave me a signed copy of his latest album 
with the condition I play it and give him my honest feedback. I did and oh boy, 
it was another one of his great soothing music CD's.Emiliano had three loves in 
his life: his absolutely wonderful wife Lilian + his family he adored, his 
music and his farm + animals. He gave me a tour of his new farm, showed me his 
special breed pigs, and he then pointed to me his home made bio-gas plant that 
provided the household free gas the whole year round! His recycling business 
from the hotels too was an ingenious way to reduce waste and simultaneously 
recycle plastic, provide food waste for his pigs and compost organic waste for 
the plants, etc. We compared notes on cultivating techniques and 
energies/renewables, and he confided about his business expansion plans 
too.Music aside, the man was a born genius on sustainability and he did it his 
own way, the only way he knew - simple, practical, effective - Emiliano's way.I 
was shocked when I was told of the news today, like all of us who knew him 
closely surely did.Hope we shall remember him for the great contribution he 
made to Goan music and hope his great works that he so cherished with his ever 
faithful band shall live forever.RIP my dearest friend.Joao Paulo Cota

To: goan-...@yahoogroups.co.in
From: goamusic...@yahoogroups.com
Date: Fri, 15 May 2015 20:53:33 +0000
Subject: [goamusician] Emiliano Da Cruz




Great Goan Musician died today  15.5.15





Video clips 





For Goan Video Clips 
In Goa, Dial  1 0 8 
For Hospital, Police, Fire etc





        Posted by: JoeGoaUk <joego...@yahoo.co.uk>        

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