Re the following from Gabe Menezes: "There is nowhere that Mrs Selma Carvalho's 
name was mentioned"

augusto pinto <> wrote:

Dear Gabru,

You are wrong if you think that saying: "There is nowhere that Mrs Selma 
Carvalho's name was mentioned" will protect you from charges of defamation, The 
fact is that you very clearly pointed to Selma by saying the woman you 
mentioned was from "Nuvem" . Hence it is obvious that you were trying to soil 
Selma's reputation. You aren't absolved of being defamatory, as naive 
schoolchildren sometimes surmise, by not 'naming' the person.

Under Indian laws and for that matter British laws, you are clearly culpable

My response only relates to Augusto's quite uninformed "British Laws" 
reference. (No interest in what appears to me to be a matter related to a 
decades old internal UK Goans financial and propriety issue about which Gabe 
might have a right to feel aggrieved )

But......I trust that Augusto realises that Gabe's considerable legal resources 
(intra-casa) must surely be laughing heartily at the nonsense Augusto has 
posted wrt English law. ( I am avoiding the term British law for obvious 


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