Then came Elmhurst, Bucher and Mountbatten 

Sam Manekshaw, the first field marshal in the Indian army, 
was at the ringside of events when Independent India was 
being formed. Then a colonel, he was chosen to accompany V 
P Menon on his historic mission to Kashmir. This is his 
version of that journey and its aftermath, as recorded in 
an interview with Prem Shankar Jha. 

At about 2.30 in the afternoon, General Sir Roy Bucher 
walked into my room and said, ';Eh, you, go and pick up 
your toothbrush. You are going to Srinagar with V P Menon. 
The flight will take off at about 4 o';clock';. I said, 
';why me, sir?';

';Because we are worried about the military situation. V P 
Menon is going there to get the accession from the Maharaja 

Fortunately for us, and for Kashmir, they were busy 
raiding, raping all along. In Baramulla they killed Colonel 
D O T Dykes. Dykes and I were of the same seniority. We 
did our first year';s attachment with the Royal Scots 

The Maharaja';s forces were 50 per cent Muslim and 50 per 
cent Dogra.

 The army knew that if we had to send soldiers, 
we would have to fly them in. Therefore, a few days before, 
we had made arrangements for aircraft and for soldiers to 
be ready.

But we couldn';t fly them in until the state of Kashmir had 
acceded to India. 
. The troops were already at the airport, 
ready to be flown in. Air Chief Marshall Elmhurst was the 
air chief and he had made arrangements for the aircraft 
from civil and military sources.

. Eventually, I also got the military 
situation from everybody around us, asking what the hell 
was happening, and discovered that the tribesmen were about 
seven or nine kilometres from what was then that horrible 
little airfield.

(On arriving at Delhi) the first thing I did was to go and 
report to Sir Roy Bucher. He said, ';Eh, you, go and shave 
and clean up. There is a cabinet meeting at 9 o';clock. I 
will pick you up and take you there.'; So I went home, 
shaved, dressed, etc. and Roy Bucher picked me up, and we 
went to the cabinet meeting.

The cabinet meeting was presided by Mountbatten. There was 
Jawaharlal Nehru, there was Sardar Patel, there was Sardar 
Baldev Singh. There were other ministers whom I did not 
know and did not want to know, because I had nothing to do 
with them. 

At the morning meeting he handed over the (Accession) 
thing. Mountbatten turned around and said, '; come on 
Manekji (He called me Manekji instead of Manekshaw), what 
is the military situation?'; I gave him the military 
situation, and told him that unless we flew in troops 
immediately, we would have lost Srinagar, because going by 
road would take days, and once the tribesmen got to the 
airport and Srinagar, we couldn';t fly troops in. 
Everything was ready at the airport.

 we started flying in troops at about 11 
o';clock or 12 o';clock. I think it was the Sikh regiment 
under Ranjit Rai that was the first lot to be flown in. And 
then we continued flying troops in. That is all I know 
about what happened. Then all the fighting took place. I 
became a brigadier, and became director of military 
operations and also if you will see the first signal to be 
signed ordering the cease-fire on 1 January (1949) had been 
signed by Colonel Manekshaw on behalf of C-in-C India, 
General Sir Roy Bucher. That must be lying in the Military 
Operations Directorate.

Excerpted from Kashmir 1947, Rival Versions of History, by 
Prem Shankar Jha, Oxford University
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