



Below is an
article in the latest issue of the SECULAR CITIZEN that will be on the stands
this – 29 June


Do comment / respond on the article – The Battle for Identity   




Don Aguiar



Battle for
                                  Don Aguiar.


The Church
fostered community development within the community in the Archdiocese of
Bombay decades ago and to give it an added boost the Church started the SCC 
in the Archdiocese of Bombay to foster in quicker community development. The
SCC project was implemented with great foresight by the Church in the hope the
community will come together creating clusters, to conform to the church and be
controlled by the church which would seek to improve quality of life and
fortunes of her community. 


The Hindu
shakas and other communities picked up the same pattern from the Church. Unlike
the Catholics who are brought up to respect and follow their Church and their
priest the Hindu shakas took off with not their priest or holy men at the helm
but ordinary people who had the foresight, from social, cultural, economic,
spiritual to political and have made their presence felt and have a voice in
our country’s democrat set up, the SCC’s controlled by the Church on the other
hand are far behind with their presence in our country’s political democratic
set up negligible or not found, as the church view and stand on surviving in a
democratic set up vastly differed from that of the Hindu shaka. Merely focusing
on social, cultural and spiritual in a democratic set up will not give a
community a voice; rather it would be treated as the underdog. The need is to
know what community development is and has it actually caught on with the


development is a process where SCC members come together to take collective
action and generate solutions to common problems. Community wellbeing
(economic, social, environmental and cultural) often evolves from this type of
collective action being taken at a grassroots level. Community development
ranges from small initiatives within a small group to large initiatives that
involve the broader parish community.


community development should be:

long-term endeavor, // well-planned, inclusive and equitable, // holistic and
integrated into the bigger picture, // initiated and supported by community
members, // of benefit to the community, // grounded in experience that leads
to best practices


development is a grassroots process by which SCC’s / communities:

more responsible, // organize and plan together, // develop healthy lifestyle
options, // empower themselves, // reduce poverty and suffering, // create 
and economic opportunities, // achieve social, economic, cultural and
environmental goals


development seeks to improve quality of life. Effective community development
results in mutual benefit and shared responsibility among SCC / community

development recognizes:

connection between social, cultural, environmental and economic matters, // the
diversity of interests within a SCC or community, // its relationship to
building capacity


development helps to build the SCC’s / community capacity in order to address
issues and take advantage of opportunities, find common ground and balance
competing interests. It doesn’t just happen – capacity building requires both a
conscious and a conscientious effort to do something (or many things) to
improve the SCC / community


The term
“development” often carries an assumption of growth and expansion. During the
industrial era, development was strongly connected to increased speed, volume
and size. However, many people are currently questioning the concept of growth
for numerous reasons – a realization that more isn’t always better, or an
increasing respect for reducing outside dependencies and lowering levels of
consumerism. So while the term “development” may not always mean growth, it
always imply change.


Change is
the only constant. And yet, a conscious change of mind and heart is rare enough
to be truly inspiring. 


community development process takes charge of the conditions and factors that
influence a SCC / community and changes the quality of life of its members.
Community development is a tool for managing change but it is not: a quick fix
or a short-term response to a specific issue within a SCC / community or a
process that seeks to exclude SCC / community members from participating; or an
initiative that occurs in isolation from other related community activities.


development is about SCC / community building as such, where the process is as
important as the results. One of the primary challenges of community
development is to balance the need for long-term solutions with the day-to-day
realities that require immediate decision-making and short-term action.


development is a way of strengthening the community by prioritizing the actions
of the community members, and their perspectives in the development of social,
economic and environmental policy. It seeks the empowerment of small local
communities, taken to mean geographical communities. It strengthens the
capacity of people as active community members through their SCC / community
groups, to work in dialogue with community members to shape and determine
change in their communities. It plays a crucial role in supporting active
democratic life by promoting the autonomous voice of disadvantaged and
vulnerable community members. It has a set of core values/social principles
covering human rights, social inclusion, equality and respect for diversity;
and a specific skills and knowledge base. 


community development is action that helps people to recognize and develop
their ability and potential and organize themselves to respond to problems and
needs which they share.  It supports the establishment of strong
communities that control and use assets to promote social justice and help 
the quality of SCC / community life.  It also enables the SCC’s to work
together to improve the quality of the entire community.


Purpose: People want to live in healthy
communities. These are communities in which they:

feel able
to be who they are, // have positive prospects for their future, // experience
respect and equal and fair treatment 


Focus: To achieve this people want to be in
a community that:

wealth and gives everyone access to its benefits, // cares for all its members,
when they need it, throughout their life span, // provides an environment that
is safe and attractive, // enables people to express and celebrate their
creativity and diverse cultures, // enables everyone to participate in
decisions that affect their lives 


Methods: To support the SCC / community,
members to contribute to the creation of such a community, community
development promotes:

for people to learn and develop their own skills, // reaches out to and
involves those who may be excluded or disadvantaged, // helps communities to
create organizations that can tackle their needs and represent their interests,
// works to promote engagement and dialogue between communities and agencies or
the government that affect their lives 


the SCC’s are in existence for over a decade or more, the above “Purpose, Focus
and Methods” are yet to take proper shape in the respective SCC’s. Is it
because there is certain unwillingness amongst most people to chart the
uncharted; be contrarian and think out of the box, which is why, perhaps, we
are a world that looks very similar. Our homes look the same; our surroundings
have been standardized; we now talk of only consistency and not SCC’s that will
impart joy and create a life that is exciting. 


The thought
that things must be consistent is jarring. Why should things look the same?
Life is not a hotel where you need directions to guide you. Life is about
taking each day as it comes, not knowing what's going to happen. And in each
area of our lives, we have injected consistency. It is almost as if we are
fearful of trying something new or taking on responsibility or dedicatedly
implementing good community development in our SCC’s. 


problem lies with us. We have nothing new to offer either in our thinking or in
our personal lives or, even in our news. It is all the same. The same format;
the same news; the same opinions; the same prejudices and, worse, even the same
look. Even the way we plan moments of personal celebration have begun to look
the same. 

We live in silos and not in the unfettered environs of a world that should
stoke independent thinking, dedication, responsibility and the like. 

Most of our community members have striking resemblances with each other: in
the manner they think; in the way they suck up to the powers that be; in the
way they conduct their responsibilities and so on. This results in creating a
community which terrifyingly resembles each other. And this cannot augur well.
Human beings are meant to be different, which is why we aren't robots. Our
thinking is meant to be independent and not conformist. That's in our DNA
and we are constantly suppressing it. We want to be politically correct,
socially conformist only because we want to be a part of them. But the tragedy
is there are no them. We are what make up community and today, with all
the knowledge at our command, we are forcing ourselves into a tunnel of
darkness and despair. It is easier to give up good and turn towards evil,
rather than the other way around. 


We often
abuse the system. But yet again there is no system. We are the system. We
love to palm off our inadequacies or the lack of risk appetite on others but
who are the others. True, sometimes we have an education system that is not
perfect but does that prevent us from reading out of prescribed text books? 


The fact
is we don't want to think for ourselves anymore. We have outsourced everything
that we should be doing to someone else. SCC’s as the Church puts it, is the
respective SCC’s responsibility immediately after it is formed even though it
is the parish priest who is responsible for the successful implementation and
guidance of this project, as this project is controlled by the Church. We have
outsourced parenting to schools and nannies, romance to typified relationship
clusters like marriage, knowledge to search engines and the Church their SCC
project to the laity. And, for god's sake, let's not ponder over why the Church
has outsourced the SCC’s which they control to the laity. So, who should we
really blame for this plight? 


All of
this began with the advent of religion. Religion was meant to control, conform
and create clusters. Today, in many countries and also in many SCC’s and among
the many respective communities it is also the cause of war, strife, 
jealousness, pride, murder and destruction. The solace we found in religious
diktat has been replaced by the battle for identity and to maintain identity,
the Church – the Archdiocese of Bombay - keeps her community divided and
fragmented in petty, minor or major squabbles, social & cultural activities  
and spiritualism.    


And with
that – Let’s not have the audacity to hope that someday the Church will succeed
in their great foresight and implement dedicatedly and earnestly the above
requirements of “Purpose, Focus and Methods”.   


Hope can
be a stubborn thing. In the face of mounting evidence to the contrary, hope can
find a way to continue to believe in an idea that it holds dear. It discounts
the magnitude of the evidence, re-calibrates its original expectations, adjust
to compromise in the name of realism, finds new reasons to believe when the old
one starts running out and clutches at straws of any kind that appear to be
within grasp. And only then, with a death rattle, it drains itself empty,
leaving behind nothing but the rancid taste of humiliation of the believers for
having had the audacity to hope.   




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