Message Received: Jul 11 2015, 04:26 PM
From: "Gabe Menezes" 
To: "Melvyn Fernandes" 
Subject: Re: Fw: World -Count up to World Goa Day 2015 (2)

Please re-post this on Goanet.
On 21 June 2015 at 13:51, Joseph Rebello  wrote:
Message Received: Jun 21 2015, 12:09 PM
Courtesy of/from: "Melvyn Fernandes" 
To: "goanet" 
Cc: "melvynfernandes" 
Subject: Wrld -Count up to World Goa Day 2015 (2)

Hi all
Following up from Goanet June 17 vol 10 issue  342 (7). Our language was lost 
abroad when our skilled and educated ancestors who learnt to read and write in 
English travelled with Portuguese and Indian travel documents from the house of 
Mother Goa to Africa mainly to oil the British Administrative Colonial 
machinery, Their off spring were brought up learning  and speaking the Queens 
English as our elders felt this would bring about better employment prospects 
rather than amche bas (mother tongue).   Even today somebody else is always 
considered better by our sorpotelised society, its in the Goan DNA. I have to 
ask that Sorpotel, a  peasant dish of Portugal, is our King Dish, what does 
this make us?   Whatever your academic background your DNA is still the same 
and a large percentage of our people are still employees looking for work 
rather than employers providing work.
World Goa Day is an opportunity on one day out of 365  for organisers and 
individuals families and friends to attempt speaking our language and practice 
our culture and heritage not forgetting our amazing  cuisine and dances. This 
is not difficult if you have an idea in the morning and can get it up and 
running by the evening. The real world has leaders and followers.  However in 
our case our leaders are up against fizzlers a bit like the Tanti (egg)and 
Choriz (Goa Sausage) situation. Let me explain, to make a Portuguese omelette 
one would get gaunti (local) eggs from the Tiantia Pai, bell pepers, tomato and 
onions from the Verdur Kann and for added zing Chorizo from the choriscars. The 
hen lays the egg and lives another dis (day) to resupply ,The Verdur Kann who 
supplied  the tomato, onions and bell peppers also moves on but the Dukor(PIG) 
has to die and give its life away for that added Zing to satisfy the tastebuds 
of our people. Our sincere volunteers in  committee work around the world 
striving for the betterment of our society may sometimes feel like the Dukor. 
Decisions, decisions. when the Idea of World Goa Day was proposed around 1992 
(twenty three years ago) in Lisbon by the Late Jorge and Livia De Abreu and 
seconded by a lady in California it took ten years of toil by Rene Baretto  to 
his credit working alone and spreading the word to have the first World Goa Day 
event recorded in August 2000.   Are we only good for dancing? Dates are 
important, this year 2015 and it is 15 years since the millennium of this 
century and 23 years since the idea of World Goa Day was conceived. As I did 
not make the “Who Died” list on 29 October 2012, can I ask our people with 
acumen to fast forward and stamp out the fizzlers like cockroaches under our 
feet to enable our community that is dying from inside out to sizzle and 
breathe freely as a community once again. Start with World Goa Day August 2015. 
The Twenty Fifth Anniversary is round the corner. Fizzlers can be spotted 
sometimes power dressed as volunteers and appear to be nicey nicey people at 
various entry gates collecting money especially where Revenue and Expenditure 
is unregulated and the income extracted from patrons goes to self-enrichment on 
untaxed income in the name of Charity as long the eh “who cares” I’m  too busy 
with better things to do rather than doing things better attitude amongst the 
majority of our people continues, feeding the greed and lust for money will be 
of  no benefit to any organisation or charity as the pot is always empty, as 
good as throwing money like water into a bucket full of holes.Click the link, 
turn up the volume and enjoy
Melvyn FernandesThornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom21 June 2015
 =========================================================What does it feel 
like making a Pig of yourselfie click on link 2C 

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