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Thanks for some publicity to Naked Goa. Broadway,
Panjim and Golden Heart Emporium, Margao should be
Tony Martin

Dear Tony,

C'mon man, is it all that you can come up with. You
have often either pointed out mistakes in other
goanetters' writings or defended yourself. Why in this
case have you taken an easy way out?
As fellow writers, we can make mistakes in writing
English. When I re-read my writings I often feel
ashamed because of the mistakes, both spelling and
When I also pointed out something about you in the
Goajourno forum, you wrote back to the forum saying I
"abused" you. I often go into the history of your
brief working life in Bahrain. And you probably know
that I know what happened there.
Let me be clear on this score. I mean no harm and, as
you say, what I pointed out will help in the sale of
books, so be it. 
I know that "negative" publicity can drive up sales of
a book. But sad to say, your book and your status as a
writer would definitely not gain by "negative"
As you have said in your first line, "Another loan,
another book." Pray, may I ask why you take a loan to
publish a book? In the case of Naked Goa, I don't seek
any advertisements. In your other books you have
sought ads, isn't it?
You also have a piece titled, Women's Welfare or
Funkot Publicity? Was you effort in bringing out Naked
Goa an effort at self-publicity? Self-publishing is
expensive. It is for this reason that my friend
Valentino Fernandes, another journalist, found a
publisher for his debut book, On Being a Goan (if I
got the title right). On the cover of your book there
is a starburst with words, It's Explosive.
Do you have to go to such length in enticing the
readers when in your own heart you know that the book
is not what it says? Neither it is satirical, except
for some cartoons.
I end with another title of your piece, Lok Kitem
Mhontolo? Indeed, what will people think of a book
that promises to be "explosive" and an "insight" but
just scratches the surface.
Tony, you remain a fellow-journalist and I have good
respect for what you have done with your life. Maybe
you could have done better, as much as I could have
done better.
Keep on writing but provide readers with what you
promise. Catchy lines won't work, but instead solid
content. It's the same thing I told Valentino. I told
him that he should have not rushed to print. I was
unaware he has going to mention me in his book. He has
some misinformation  about Canadian Goans which many
readers could think I provided the information.
With sincere regards,

Eugene Correia

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