
*There is something decidedly dodgy about the forthcoming A. A. de Moira
Club elections and I'd like to alert members regarding this. *
Some days ago I received the Notice and Agenda of the AGM to be held on
Sunday, 26th July 2015 at 10.30 a.m. I had a look at it today and realized
that the elections of a new Managing Committee is to be held on the day.

Reading the Agenda, I realized that the elections, if held as procedurally
flawed and as a consequence are bound to be null and void.

The Constitution of the Club provides that the schedule of the elections
have to be announced beforehand and panels of those who wish to contest
have to file their nominations beforehand.

Nothing of the kind has been done in the Notice and Agenda that has been
sent to the members. There is also no mention about the annual membership
fees that are to be collected.

>From what has been given in the Agenda* it seems that the election will be
conducted directly on the floor of the house.* *It should be noted that
this procedure can be followed only if and when no panel has filed
nomination papers.*

I am alerting the members about this because the procedures should be
followed as per the Constitution. *Bypassing the rules*, (even if the
members are willing to go along with this),* will set up a very bad

If today the Constitution is violated like in this way, in future they will
continue to do whatever they like. And I can assure you given the real
estate that the Club is sitting on, there are lots of people who would be
quite happy to do just that.

At last years' AGM the Committee had promised to present an estimate of the
repairs that the Clubhouse required. It had also promised that the
financial accounts would be kept open for scrutiny and copies of the
financial statements and annual report would be available for members
beforehand. To the best of my knowledge none of these measures have been
taken by the Committee till now.

Will the members wise up and oppose these fraudulent elections and actions
of the current Managing Committee?

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