He studied in Goa, worked in Portugal, and died at the age of just 32. Yet
Júlio Francisco António Adeodato Barreto (3 December 1905 – 6 August 1937),
better known as  Adeodato Barreto, is still remembered as a Luso-Goan poet
and writer. His works include important archetypes and paradigms from Hindu
culture. In his poems there are notions of eternal return and
transmigration, which are considered anchors of Indian philosophy.

Based on material from http://pt.wikipedia.org I managed to add some text
to his Wikipedia page at:

If your knowledgeable about his life and times (and work), kindly go and
update/correct/add to the above page.

By some coincidence, just a week ago, Sandra Ataide Lobo [
sandral...@netcabo.pt] wrote: "I have just received a phone call from
Kalidas Barreto, son of the Goan poet Adeodato Barreto, informing me that
on the 18th July, at 6pm, there will be the inauguration of the third phase
of the Park of the Poets in Oeiras. As there will be a statue of Adeodato
he asked me to help informing the Goan community and all those that maybe
interested in attending the event."

ALSO: Wikipedia needs your help to translate from Portuguese to English,
from English to Konkani (both Romi and Devanagari) and vice-versa. For more
details of how to do it, get in touch offlist! Or just google... all the
help is out there.

P +91-832-2409490 M 9822122436 Twitter: @fn Facebook: fredericknoronha
Goa,1556 Shared Content at https://archive.org/details/goa1556

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