President Abdul Kalam
Everyone must return to the Creator one day, and so the President too has
obeyed the universal rule of life and death
He was humility personified, a great trait in any human being of substance
The aura and trappings of the office did not in any way change his attitude
and behaviour towards the elite position he held For a man aptly named as a
missile man, his achievement as a scientist alone did not make him drunk
with pride,He remained humble and simple to the core, As the President his
expenditure was perhaps the lowest for all times to come He leaves behind a
legacy, which is worth emulating for all great men to be born even
He became The President,  to hold a high office by accident of fate.He
never canvassed or showed a desire or interes,A position of honour and
responsibilities and which he did not fail when called to exercise his role
and wisdom
Perhaps his ascendancy was talked about as a sign to appease the minority
community rather than his merit and to ward off a contest and to put a mark
of authority of the Congress satraps. It was clear when he was denied the
second term for no apparent reason of justification The lure of office did
not push him to stand as an independent.Who can doubt the place had to be
reserved for the scion of the Congress and hence the subsequent
machinations and man oeuvres fitted a game plan that turned sour
Long live President Abdul Kalam, a man who rose like  sphinx from the
shackle's poverty, but was not entwined with the circumstances

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