On Tuesday August 18th while addressing a BJP media management session held
at Hotel Mandovi in Panaji, the Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar
aggressively exhorted party workers to go all out in targeting me. I was
not at all surprised when disclosed about this by two Senior BJP Ministers.
It was hoped that at least after becoming Defence Minister that Manohar
Parrikar would have changed for the better. But he has only become further
perverse, with the only change being that he has now learnt to wear a suit
and a pair of shoes. Known for his very vindictive nature, Manohar Parrikar
must be working overtime to try and corner me. He must be yearning to catch
me on the wrong foot but I strictly at all times act within the parameters
of law. While in the Opposition Manohar Parrikar wanted everyone to be very
vocal. Now that he is in power he wants pin drop silence all over. It will
just not happen. We need to stand up and speak for the sake of our Goa or
else posterity will never forgive us.

In fighting against injustice, nobody and nothing should intimidate you.
One should never be cowed down by any threats of consequences that may have
to be faced for speaking out fearlessly. And never be distracted by
desperate attempts to malign or defame you.

Over the last 40 years raising issues against the illegalities of
successive government has not been an easy task. But without holding any
position have been able to visit almost every village in Goa and make
friends there. My life has been an open book.

Truth hurts but it is only truth that will always ultimately prevail. In
issues I have raised over the years it has never been personally against
individuals but the wrong doings of those in power regardless of which
party has been ruling. During the Congress regime I was branded as a BJP
man, now the BJP may feel the reverse. But I am what I am,  having from the
Lower Courts to the High Court and the Supreme Court done my duty in
raising a whole range of issues concerning the public at large. We should never
compromise and surrender our right to speak out openly and candidly against
anything that is wrong.  Let us never hesitate in taking the bull by the

I have had nothing personal against anyone about whom I have raised issues
over the years. When highlighting an issue, it is bound to hurt some. Have
I hurt one too many? One has to have the spine to speak out against things
that are wrong.  I will continue to highlight any injustice that I see.
Nothing shall deter me and my commitment in this regard. The risk of losing
your life is a small price one may have to pay in the bigger battle against
corruption and injustice.

Politicians and people in authority, by virtue of their positions, should
be ready for both bouquets and brickbats. Freedom to fearlessly fight
against social ills is the very hallmark of a true democracy, but
unfortunately some of those in power who ride to power on a contrived
electorate are unable to withstand such a scrutiny.  The voices of critics
are not necessarily of those against a dispensation but should be heard as
a voice of inner consciousness: a call to rectify or to perish.

In a democracy the power vests with the people and they are supreme. They
can sweep in or sweep out a government. In 2012 the BJP rode to Power in
Goa on a promise of Good Governance and Zero Tolerance to Corruption. But
the rampant Corruption is there for all to see.  Goa has deliberately been
kept without a functional State Information Commission and no Lokayukta.
And with the virtual shutting down of the Goa CBI Court, the prosecution of
Corruption cases has slowed down with it ending up now being only Acche din
for the corrupt.

Truth is always bitter. Buddha had said that three things cannot be long
hidden: the Sun, the Moon and the Truth. At times one pays a heavy price in
fighting public causes but one has to maintain the spirit and keep on
fighting. Life is a short voyage; a journey - the end of which we know not.
So let’s keep up the fight. We should never lose sight of what Martin
Luther King, Jr. had said ‘Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues


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