Very Well Stated VJP.

Our people are struggling. Some are able to make it, Others are just unable to. 
It is NOT because they want to 'folga' overseas. There are elderly parents at 
home. There are unemployed siblings at home. The cost of living has skyrocketed 
esp The cost of some basic food items. All this while Goa is being ripped apart 
of its resources and harmony. the Goans of old and the Jews from forever.....Goans have to 
migrate or work on board

I see many of the 'shippies' every Sat night at the vigil Mass. They work hard, 
live in difficult conditions and bear the that their family 
could survive in Goa.

You should talk to them about this alleged 'Liberation'. Don't have to say a 
word. Just listen



> On Aug 23, 2015, at 7:06 PM, Venantius J Pinto <> 
> wrote:
> My two annas.
> All one can do as in Christian spirit is to wish more power to those who
> are are indeed attempting to better their lot.
> People come from different backgrounds, influences, awareness, etc. There
> were families comprising one son and many daughters, hence the possibility
> of working abroad, which essentially led to migration (yes, yes, nothing
> came on a platter) to places in Africa, was eschewed by those who stepped
> back. Others went ahead and moved on, were indeed lauded, and are not shy
> of citing the plaudits that came they way. Why not one may say, and yes
> more power to those stalwarts.
> Yet others moved on to Portugal, and in that seizing of opportunity some
> neglected/abandoned their adoptees (poskem/posko/poskim/. Basically they
> were amputated from the families that had brought them in. I heard of a
> woman who turned to prostitution. But how would they know what could
> happen?!
> There are many kinds of migrations, and many kinds of opportunities sought
> according to the prevailing time. Often one is prevailed over and gets
> derailed, often one prevails over hurdles while managing to make hay.
> Everyone cannot be cannot be administrators, doctors, top athletes, or
> engineers! As one often hears God knows who to give what, and besides their
> mothers went regularly to early morning mass. All abundance and blessings,
> which they rightfully deserve.
> The current reality as it impacts seekers is revealed in a wide gamut
> where some have done well, and others who have failed miserably, all
> others according to their chutzpah, skills and acumen.
> As long as there appears to be what look like doors of opportunity, indeed
> people will head through these to those pastures which signal they have a
> need for them, or where they believe they stand a chance. If could be seen
> as wishful things or a mirage in the mind, but it is their lot to see what
> they see.
> All this suggests, that in the process of observation and ad hoc analyses,
> those who are well off or reasonably settled may feel afflicted on account
> of the state of things, and given the plausibility that one too may be seen
> as a representative of those job seekers from Goa, eyesores!
> As was said: Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, that you do
> unto me (mojea thaim).
> Venantius J Pinto

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