Today I received a letter from the Panchayat requesting me to attend a New
Education Policy Awareness Training Program on 28 August in Moira in the
Panchayat hall. It is in reference to the letter from the Block Development
Officer Mapusa. I assume that this is open to the people of the village
although I noticed that many teachers were copied in. I assume that this
process will be repeated all over Goa.

Googling I found that the Ministry of Human Resources and Development has
begun a consultation process wrt the New Education Policy 2015.

My first impression was that on the one hand as usual the Govt. wants to
increase State control on recruitments and now dismissal of faculty and on
the other wishes to reduce state funding of education.

 Browsing quickly through the documents I got the impression that the
Consultation process has been framed in such a way that people would be
forced to support the Policy.

The way in which a village level meeting regarding education is held on a
week day when many of the stakeholders will be at work stinks. I think that
people would be wise to look at the documents carefully and seriously,
think over them and form an appropriate response. I intend to go for the
meeting to - if nothing else - find out whether the process will be a
transparent one or one where we will be dictated what response is required
of us.

Here is the website where the various documents related to the NEP 2015 and
the consultation process can be found:

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