*Carmona's battle against Raheja's is a sad Goan story: H*


Indeed, it is a very very sad story.

However, GSRP would like to know if the Dy. Sarpanch,  Mr. Olando D'Silva
is still against the project with his objection to it standing like it was
in the initial stages, more specifically when he took to the roads with
demostration near the then CM's house in  Margao some time ago [ a video
footage of it is with us] , for which demonstration we were also
participating. But if Orlando D'Silva's stand has now changed to pro
Raheja's, then this could be for one of these reasons, and we do hope we
are WRONG for the sake of Goa and Goan, which will totally and abosulety
destroy the credibility of upright Goans, or at least what is  still
remaining and if it is remaining.

1. Orlando D'Silva could be under tremendous pressure to say 'YES' to this
project despite his previous  and present opposition. The reason could be
that someone is blackmailing him with his not so clear past, threatening
him  that his past will be exposed.  This is one reason most upright
persons shut  their mouths because there are skeletons in their cubboards
which if exposed will demolish their present standing.  If Orlando D'Silva
is in deed has a past that is not compatible with his public standing, then
he should not have taken the center stage against Raheja's and he should
not have contested the Panchayat elections.  He should have put some other
person  in that place who is clean enough to stand the scrutiny.

2. Orlando D'Silva has compromised his stand for either favours or  for
cash. If this is the case, which we  hope is not, then he should be
publicly exposed and asked to resign from his position in the Panchayat,
outright. This is because GSRP has been associating with him and we have
gone on record to say that we that he is a clean person, and have been
splashing a lot of RTI information that he had acquired and passed on to
us regarding this project in the past. GSRP never, repeat never,   supports
any compromised person/s because GSRP  is an open book to bring flawless
change for  GOA through its Contititutional (hurting) provisions in Article
34 & 38 and generally through its Road Map for Goa.

GSRP will see that no Ground + 2 floors come up in any Village Panchayat
areas - i.e. VP1, VP2 & VP3. However, all VP construction will necessary
have stilt parking area where parking possibilities are limited, which
stilt parking will not constitute as a floor.

GSRP will bring in  TDR [Transfer of Development Rights] to protect
sensitive Villages, their ecosystems, CRZ & Heritage sites with strict
implementation where one can avail the bonanza of the price rise and still
protect these sensitive  areas.

At this juncture, GSRP likes to make it clear to Goa and Goans that its
frontline leadership is NOT compromised or has any skeletons in their
cubboards. GSRP is very very careful whom it inducts into the party  so
that its position is never compromised. We must confess that GSRP did have
persons in its founders list of 16 with skeletons in their cubboards and
they have been asked to exit through the back doors in order not to hurt
them - a principle that GSRP borrowed from Singapore's first Prime Minister
and late Lee Kuan Yew. To cite a standing example with GSRP's fight against
corruption, this is what happened, in the very village which houses the
head office of GSRP, which is MOIRA:

A Mumbai based friend of ours had approved a plan for a residential
building  in the Village of  Moira. He thought it fit that we should take
on ourselves to get him the Panchayat permission to build after handing
over to us the approved file where Rs. 3,96,000.00 were paid to  the TCP
department as INFRUSTRUCTURE TAX. The file was complete with all NOCs
[Electricity & Health] as required, where all basic amenities like water,
power,  road/s,  garbage disposal etc  taken care of. Therefore, we were
chosen [floriano lobo] to approach the Panchayat for the construction
licence as we have the reputation of not paying a single paisa in bribes to
any one. The friend probably did have an incling that he could be taken for
Lakhs of rupees by the Panchayat.

As Power of attorney, we submit the file in the Panchayat on *6 June, 2014*.
A cooked up gram sabha meeting was held to discuss the file. The resolution
passed by this body went against the project to say that the infrastructure
was lacking and that the file should be returned to the PWD, Electricity
Department  to veryfy the existence of the facilities.  We received no
response to our application within 30 days of submitting the file. On 31st
day, we approached the Dy. Director of Panchayats under section 66 (2) of
the Panchayat Raj Act.  The Dy. Director was pleased to uphold the appeal
and passed the Order that Panchayat should issue the necessary permission
within 15 days. This Order was passed on 6 November, 2014,  a clear 6
months after filing the appeal.

The Panchayat goes into appeal to the Additional Director of Panchayats
under Section 66(7). The case dragged and stretched  for months together
when finally the Adl. Director of Panchayat dismissed the appeal of the
Panchayat  upholding the Order of the Deputy Director of Panchayats. This
order was passed on 1 September, 2015 a clear  9 months  after the appeal
was filed by the Panchayat.  In all it has taken 15 months of a gruelling
fight to get the permission.  However, we made sure that the owner (friend)
was severely warned  not to  pay a single paise to the demands of Rs. 10
lakhs bribe. If this was done, then he would have to face the ire from the
POA himself.

In the meantime, the ex-sarpanch has been deposed and the new body is in
charge of issuing the construction licence which is due on 15 September,



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