A bizarre, often funny dichotomy prevailed throughout Subramanian
Swamy’s valedictory address at Goa’s Saraswat Vidyalaya’s Sridora
Caculo College of Commerce and Management Studies annual
student-produced festival, Odyssey XII on 28th September earlier this

Part tragedy, part farce, the event was presaged for doom the previous
day, when Swamy tweeted “I shall address a Sangh related public
meeting in Goa on “ISIS Threat: India’s Options”. It was obvious he
comprehensively misunderstood it was actually a management studies
festival attended by young students of all religions and backgrounds.

The next day, a typically Goan pluralistic crowd of higher secondary
and undergraduate students sat dumbfounded through a blistering,
highly inappropriate sectarian harangue by Swamy, who ignored the
students interests, and focus of the festival, and instead played to
the middle-aged cheering section (the talk was open to walk-ins) who
filled the rest of the auditorium at the Charles Correa-designed Kala
Academy complex on the Panjim waterfront.

It was hard not to feel bad for the youthful business studies
enthusiasts, who had clearly worked very hard to make their annual
festival the best in the history of their college. The zealous,
diligent volunteer who ushered us to our seats, which were next to a
contingent of shy, uniformed 12th-standard students, said to us
proudly, “no other management college in Goa has ever achieved
anything of this quality.” Then he admitted his organizing committee’s
unanimous first choice of speaker had been Anand Mahindra. But the
tycoon proved unavailable.

So it was Swamy, striding out rather incongruously to the swelling
accompaniment of The Ramones anthem, ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’, flanked by
stern-faced submachine gun-wielding guards, thus immediately inviting
an unflattering contrast to Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar, who
freely circulates in Goa without anything like such ostentatious heavy

The former Cabinet Minister sat through an impressively slick
student-produced video which raced through synopses of the leading
economies of the world, but then made no mention of it or the
students’ interests and instead jumped right into his analysis of
ISIS. According to Swamy, in two or three years this “world’s richest
terrorist group” will likely be at India’s borders. Then he started to
outline a series of increasingly outlandish recommendations on how to
cope with the threat, and things began to go haywire.

The audience in Goa quickly sorted itself into two camps. There were
the students, but they were outnumbered by a crowd of much older Swamy
fans which was waiting eagerly for favourite applause lines about
Muslims and the Nehru family. When these slams emerged, as they did on
cue, there was much clapping and hooting from the elders. But when
Swamy – to his credit -- returned again and again to a stern
anti-caste message, and praise for Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, it was only the
students applauding, while many seniors looked furious and confused.

It is when Swamy strayed dangerously into areas far from his academic
expertise (his PhD from Harvard is in Economics) that the students
became restive and much more alert. The 76-year-old made the fatal
mistake of repeating a very old canard, “NASA has made study of
Sanskrit mandatory because it is the most computer-friendly language”
and urging the audience to “just go home and Google it.” That is the
exact moment he lost the students for good, as dozens of smartphones
lit up all around the auditorium, and the search engine informed the
audience that Swamy was in fact peddling a much-discredited hoax.

Falsehoods flew fast, but the fact-checking fingers were even fleeter.
While middle-aged faces in the audience bore progressively rapturous
expressions, the students were shaking their heads, first skeptical
then furious at the gibberish on parade. Swamy said all Indians had
exactly the same DNA. But in front of me a student searched “genetic
mapping of India” and the first link she found was to Nature magazine,
which said “there are populations that have lived in the same town and
village for thousands of years without exchanging genes”. She looked
up North-East tribes like the Khasis, and found they are not actually
“from Thailand” as Swamy claimed.

In yesterday, Kai Friese wrote “the fantastical charlatanry
of Hindutva “history” is central to the new National Project”. It was
this unrelenting perversion of Indian history, delivered in such
strident tones in broad-minded, deeply syncretic and tolerant Goa,
which was the most repulsive aspect of Swamy’s address. The students
and many other members of the audience visibly reeled. They were
clearly offended by the message of exclusion that went against the
bedrock of their own culture and identity.

In Swamy’s retelling of “correct Indian history” the only people who
count who ever fought for India were Hindus. But Goa’s anti-colonial
resistance was never sectarian, and was even often led by Christian
priests, who repeatedly conspired to expel the Portuguese. This, after
all, is a contemporary culture where endless streams of Hindus
devotedly attend church feasts and festivals, and countless Catholic
families pay sincere respects to the deities of the beautiful temples
across the state. All of this is contrary to Swamy’s idea of India.
Goa, Goanity – what the Goans call ‘Goenkarponn – has no place in his
rigidly narrow conceptions.

And so the question and answer session was an unusually fraught
tug-of-war between irate students, and the fawning Swamy admirers,
with a faculty member trying hard to keep out any possible discordant
note (though Swamy – again to his credit – was quite happy and willing
to debate anyone).

When one student rose, all soul patch and flashing eyes, to demand to
ask three questions, he was shut down before he could even properly
ask one. Then the moderator quickly called for a final question. A
young man got the mike, and coolly asked Swamy, “You’ve been
criticizing the British all this time, isn’t there a contradiction
that you’re speaking to us in English?” It was the kids turn to
hurrah. Behind me, I heard, “someone should thrash that rogue.”
Looking back to see who it was, instead I saw two girls high-fiving
each other with wide grins on their faces.

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