Antonio Costa: A Goan Prime Minister for Portugal? (Times of India)

There will be fingers crossed on these distant shores on Sunday,
October 4, when elections are held for all 230 seats in the Portuguese
parliament, the Assembleia da Republica.

Pedro Passos Coelho's ruling centre-right coalition faces a powerful
challenge that has been brewing for years from Antonio Costa, the
popular and charismatic three-term mayor of Lisbon, of the Socialist
Party. In the balance is Konkani history. The result could be the
first Goan head of state.

Costa is the 54-year-old son of the ferociously anti-colonial writer,
the late Orlando da Costa, whose classic 'O Signo da Ira' is set in
the Margao neighborhoods he grew up in the 1930s and 40s. Later, when
studying in Portugal, the senior Costa became a staunch opponent of
the Salazar dictatorship, member of the (then outlawed) Communist
Party, and a well-known Lisbon intellectual who retained life-long
affection and connection to his ancestral Goa.

His son is a political prodigy. Antonio Luis dos Santos da Costa has
been Portugal's minister of parliamentary affairs, minister of
justice, and minister of internal administration. He headed his
party's list for the 2004 European elections then served on the
committee on civil liberties, justice and home affairs, before
becoming one of just 14 vice-presidents of the European Parliament.

In 2007, Costa gambled big. He ran for Lord Mayor of Lisbon, the
troubled centerpiece of an urban area where nearly 30% of Portugal's
population lives. After winning, he immediately moved his office to
Mouraria, a notoriously crime-infested locality, where he started
getting rid of the drug-peddling and prostitution that used to
flourish all around. Similar efforts steadily extended city-wide.

Despite the prevailing wrenching national economic crisis, Lisbon has
transformed: it is now the safest, cleanest, greenest, and most
livable big city in Europe. Its mayor has been re-elected three times.

When Costa won the right to lead his Socialist Party in September
2014, it seemed certain he would sweep to power in the 2015 elections.
But despite the prime ministerial candidate's overwhelming personal
popularity, things have not quite turned out that way.

One big reason is what happened in Greece. Like other recent European
elections, Sunday's referendum revolves around so-called "austerity".
But unlike Greece—where the electorate rebelled against economic
adjustment being forced on the country by the reviled "troika" of
lenders (the European Commission, European Central Bank, and
International Monetary Fund)—Portugal has already undergone three
years of punishing austerity, and emerged to "say goodbye" to the

A few days ago, the country's credit rating was upgraded just below
investment grade, an achievement the ruling party is using to deflect
criticism about the ongoing recession, record unemployment, and an
extraordinary wave of emigration.

That last factor is also playing against Costa. Portugal is rapidly
emptying of young voters who are his support base. Hundreds of
thousands of under-30s have migrated since the financial crisis became
entrenched. It's a crisis for the country, which could lose two
million people in a few decades, but it is also a crisis for Costa.
Almost all of those votes would have gone to him, and now almost none
will. In the last election, just 20% of Portuguese living abroad cast
absentee ballots.

Even if polls show the incumbents leading, don't make the mistake of
betting against Costa. In the campaign's last debate, he nimbly forced
Passos Coelho on the defensive to win the day. "Over the past four
years, the country has reverted 13 years," said Costa, who (while
lacking the handlebar moustache) increasingly resembles his father. He
said, scornfully, "The government has created a lot of jobs for
nurses, but they are in the UK not Portugal."

When this writer encountered Costa in a Lisbon museum in 2014, he
spontaneously invited me to the stunning 19th century City Hall, where
grand portraits of his predecessors looked down upon us. We sat next
to each other on a sofa, and the mayor gently asked typical Goan
questions about which village I came from, while telling me about his
family in Margao. Then he shared with me his dreams about developing
much stronger connections between Europe and India, with Goa and
Portugal bridging the two great entities.

His eyes were shining with excitement. I allowed myself to dream about
a newly-elected Costa making his first official trip to India, even
all the way to Goa. Orlando da Costa of Margao's son, now the prime
minister of Portugal. That improbable, unbelievable twist of fate
could be just around the corner.
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