
Does Hinduism sanction killing in its name? Do the shruti and the smriti — the 
heard texts and the remembered texts — anywhere speak of Holy war? Has Hinduism 
in its long evolution ever spawned violent cults like the Islamic State? 
Instead, the Bhagavad Gita, hailed by ministers of this government as the soul 
of India, is an intensely argued contest between two intellectual positions on 
the need for killing. Arjuna went into battle but remained agonized about 
bringing death.
Yet those apparently Hindu organisations accused of killing in the name of 
“injury to Hindu sentiments” seem deeply enamoured of the violent strains of 
Islamist extremism. So enamoured are they that they are desperately trying to 
become wannabe Islamists, deriving perhaps an ersatz inspiration of machismo 
from the bloodthirsty cults that insult the progressive ideals of Islam. It is 
maddeningly and paradoxically ironic that those seeking to supposedly defend 
Hinduism against Islam and Christianity are adopting exactly the same tactics 
as the violent cults of those two noble Semitic faiths. India must become 
another Lebanon, they seem to proudly proclaim.
Ekam Sat Vipraha Bahuda Vadanti: Truth is one, the wise call it by many names 
is the magnanimous Vedic ideal which can be read as a modern interpretation of 
secularism which accepts multiple routes to the divine. Culture Minister Mahesh 
Sharma likes to call himself modern but not westernised; if so why has he 
failed to imbibe the modern progressive message of the Rig Veda? Those acting 
in the name of Hinduism, the so-called defenders of “the faith” are mirror 
images of the monotheistic supremacist versions of Islam and Christianity that 
they apparently oppose. Wannabe Taliban and wannabe crusaders are in fact 
destroying the respect for multiple truths that has always characterised 
sanatan dharma.(Picture courtesy: PTI)The brutal Dadri lynching, the 
unspeakably tragic, numbing, and horrifying death of the innocent Akhlaq and 
the grievous injury to his 22-year-old son Danish should make every Hindu bow 
his head in shame, to cry out loud, to scream in anguish and demand to know, 
what is happening to Hinduism? Where is the philosophy of Bhartrihari, of 
Ramakrishna Paramhansa, of Meera, of Krishna Chaitanya and of Gandhi? Where is 
the glorious tradition of vaad, vivaad and samvaad? Where is the tradition, 
that if there are differences, the impulse to dialogue and argument enshrined 
in every Hindu text?Does the heart of every Hindu not break when we hear the 
soft spoken Sartaj, IAF engineer, elder son of Akhlaq, solemn and dignified, 
asking only for justice for his father, a father killed because he had 
apparently organised a feast on his holy day? Does collective guilt and remorse 
not wrench our insides when we see young Danish lying unconscious after two 
brain surgeries simply because he happened to celebrate his festival? Who are 
these mobs who are acting in the name of Hinduism? Why are they killing in the 
name of Hinduism? Why are they seeking to monopolise the majestic philosophies 
of Hinduism?
Every liberal Hindu, every legatee of Vivekananda and Tagore, of Ram Mohan Roy 
and Sri Aurobindo, must stand up and seek an answer, must shout out loud: why 
are you killing in our name? As the late veteran journalist Prabhash Joshi 
cried out after the demolition of the Babri Masjid, “Yeh to Raghu-kul nahin.” 
As my devout Hindu grandmother fearfully whispered after the demolition, “How 
could they destroy a house of god?”
Author Makarand Paranjape in his insightful book ‘The Death and After Life of 
Mahatma Gandhi’ argues that Nathuram Godse who assassinated the Mahatma to 
defend an apparently Hindu cause was in fact flying in the face of Hindu 
tenets. Does Hinduism sanction parricide or the killing of a father figure? The 
only father figures killed in the epics are the evil Kansa by Krishna and to an 
extent the killing of Bheeshma by Arjuna but not without agonising soul search. 
Had Godse been a true Hindu, he would not have killed Gandhi, but he did so 
only because he was ideologically distant from Hinduism, and instead believed 
in a disconnected and enraged individuality that permitted the killing of a 
father. Patricide, Paranjape points out, is not true Hinduism.
An ersatz machismo about religion is fashionable. Mostly male communal bigots 
exult about 56 inch chests on social media and threaten women and minorities 
with a range of vicious abuse as if such abuse confers a certain virtual 
virility. Kanwariyas block traffic and swarm around the streets, prancing and 
hollering at anyone who dares to come in their way. At temples swarms of young 
men swagger around threateningly as if they are a self- appointed army of the 
deity. Godmen collect frenzied supporters armed to the teeth, ready to rush 
into violent confrontation at any criticism. The dastardly killing of 
rationalists is met by muscle flexing war cries about the need for 
“sickularists” to “respect sentiments”.
Where is this warlike mirror image of Islamist extremism or supremacist 
Christianity coming from? Young men are in the vanguard of this macho Hinduism, 
they are armies fighting a political war with the word `Hindu’ reduced to only 
a heuristic device of power politics. Their swagger is a riposte to Mahmud Of 
Ghazni, their imaginary war against Babur is clouding their notions of their 
own religion. By making Hinduism a declaration of war, they are chipping away 
at the very soul of India’s civilisation.
The strength of this civilization has always been that God resides in the home 
and not in an established organised church. Mahmud may have sacked Somnath but 
no conqueror could destroy Hinduism precisely because of its un-organised 
diffused strength. Hinduism was and is, the soft lamp that glowed in individual 
homes and hearts, not the large flashing beacon that drew the faithful into 
uniformity and collectivism. Hinduism was never unified around a single god; 
instead a myriad gods and cults flourished, each evolving and adopting 
strategies and philosophies that competed for intellectual and philosophical 
In Hindu traditions sati co-existed, along with a radical figure like Kunti, 
with five sons born of five different gods. If Mahesh Sharma is seeking modern 
feminists from the epics, he need look no further than Kunti and Draupadi, 
trail-blazer embodiments of feminine freedom and egalitarianism.
Today’s culture warriors like to quote Vivekananda and Tagore, yet both these 
thinkers vehemently opposed ritualism, superstition and superstitious practices 
and the practice of purity and pollution that so called Hindutva defenders 
today swear by. Hinduism has never had a church, never had an organised clergy, 
never had armies that fought in its name, and it is precisely these 
characteristics that have given it its immense power and ability to endure.
Directive principles ban cow slaughter, but those are guidelines of society, 
those are not justifiable rights, but respect for cultural norms. Where does 
the Constitution give anyone the right to kill in the name of Directive 
Principles? When Arjuna’s agony about battle is the leitmotif of Hindu thought, 
who are these apparent “Hindus” who kill without impunity, without fear of the 
Just as liberal Muslims and liberal Christians are waging a relentless struggle 
against militant orthodoxy and death cults, the liberal Hindu needs to wage a 
similar war, not only for the sake of modern democracy, but also for the sake 
of the centuries-old faith which has never sanctioned violence, killing or even 
blind faith to an unquestionable or vengeful deity.DISCLAIMER : Views expressed 
above are the author's own.


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