


Cedric Prakash sj*


Saturday 3rd October evening
was perhaps one of those strangely ‘normal’ evenings that one could experience
in Mumbai. It was hot and humid and several of those I had encountered that day
were complaining about ‘the terrible weather’. I was at St. Andrews Church
early that evening for the funeral mass of my dear friend, mentor and guide
Bishop Ferdie Fonseca. After mass, there were the happy encounters with both
friends and strangers and then a visit to the Sisters of the Holy Family
Hospital, just down the road.


When I finally left the hospital around
7.00 that evening to move towards Andheri, a steady drizzle had begun. The
Sisters insisted that I carry with me one of their umbrellas (of course it was
a lady’s umbrella, apparently gifted to them by the local Jesuits on some Feast
Day). With great reluctance I accepted their kind offer and walked outside the
gate hoping to jump into an auto to my destination. There were several autos 
but every one of them was “full” with passengers.  I began walking down the 
road in search of
one but did not meet with any success.  I
was also carrying with me a rather heavy bag of snacks generously bought for me
by some friends from the famous ‘Hearsch’ Bakery. Suddenly, the skies broke
open and it began to rain not only ‘cats and dogs’ but ‘elephants and rhinos’.  
In a matter of minutes I was drenched to my
bones. That beautiful umbrella could hardly withstand the onslaught of the
torrential rains leave alone protecting me!


In my bravado, I decided to continue
walking ahead and not to turn back to the hospital. I also felt that if I did 
get an auto, I would hail a taxi which I thought would be much easier to
get.  Well, that again proved to be as
elusive as a dream. Due to the rain, the traffic had become choc-a-bloc.  I 
started getting a bit worried because I
still had to attend to a couple of other things that evening. The footpath did
not seem very conducive to walk. The rains had increased even more. The going 
become tough indeed!


Suddenly from out of the blue, there was
a beautiful young lady in front of me asking me in Hindi “Uncle where are you 
going?” I am not very used to total strangers
asking me such questions; however, I did not even think of ignoring that
question; eager to be ‘rescued’, I said “Andheri”.
“What a pity”, she said, “we are not going that direction; but come
along, we can see what we can do”.


Guess I was totally helpless! The rains
did not seem to relent. So like a drowning man, clutching to the proverbial
straw, I meekly followed the young lady not knowing where she was heading.
“Damsel in distress” is a well-known phrase in English literature of a
beautiful young woman being ultimately rescued by a ‘hero’; the plot scripted
that evening was totally in reverse. A ‘damsel’ rescuing a senior citizen who 
stranded! She walked ahead of me, a few metres up the road, where a car was
parked. She opened the door of the car and asked me to get in: totally soaked I
was just not going to say “no” fully aware that I was wetting the upholstery of
the class Volkswagen Vento. There was a young man behind the wheel; the lady in
the meantime took a seat beside him and without even batting an eyelid, they
were unanimous in their generosity saying “don’t
worry sir, we will make sure to reach you to an auto or a taxi to take you to 


He started the car but it was difficult
for him to negotiate the terrible traffic even as the rains continued to pour. 
was then that I noticed it: hanging on their inside rear view mirror was a
rosary! ‘My goodness’, I said to
myself, ‘they must be Catholics’. By
nature, I am an inclusive person. Some of my closest friends are non-Christians
and even those who do not believe in any God. I do not think that one should
wear one’s religion up one’s sleeve. So I took the next step and asked their
names.  ‘Andre Lobo’, he said and she ‘Rhianna
Prabhu’; then like one of those difficult puzzles we began connecting the
dots and crosses. Small world indeed! I asked them, “why did you have to stop?” 
what if there was a stranded stranger at the kerb?” “Why were you willing to 
take the risk?”; their answers were not
easily forthcoming but basically they said, they just felt that they just
wanted to do something for someone. Andre very generously conceded that “it is 
Rhianna who is touched and oozes with


They had to drive quite a distance
almost to the highway before Andre could step out and find an auto for me. But
all the way, they were cheerful enough to make me feel that I was not a bother
at all; I was aware though that they were going out of their way – to be of
help to me!


That evening and even now as I write
this, I have been reflecting ‘what if there were no Rhiannas and Andres in
Bandra and Bombay, in India and in the rest of the world? They had the guts to
share the comfort of their luxurious car with someone they really did not know;
all they saw was a ‘drenched stranger in distress’. It reminded me of Pope
Francis’ call to every Catholic Parish in Europe to take in at least one
refugee family from Syria. Discipleship is about witness; about concrete
tangible expressions of reaching out to others. Rhianna and Andre, (though I
still know fairly little about them) seemed to be doing well in life, educated
and more than middle-class. They had a choice that night. They chose the harder


I see the rosary dangling in the inside
of their car in front of them both.  They
surely need not have put it up there; but once again, they have made a choice!  
Was that rosary a sign of their motivation; of
them wanting to help others! A reminder of Mary: that all - embracing woman, the
Mother of Jesus – who reached out to her kinswoman Elizabeth and ultimately
reached out to all? Is it a reminder to them - and to all of us - that little 
acts of kindness help in making our world a better place?


7th is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary in a month which has been
dedicated to the rosary.  Many of our
families seem to have done away with the time-tested practice of the daily
recitation of the rosary in the family; however, there are still some who
faithfully carry it in their pockets, wear it around their necks and even hang
it out on their inside rear view mirror of their car. I am not one who is
easily given into ritual or religious props. Some years ago, I had written an
article entitled “Is the Rosary in my
pocket?” Today, after that memorable experience with Rhianna and Andre, I
ask myself, “do I see a rosary in your car? or if you don’t have a car, is 
there one
in your pocket? And if so, does the rosary motivate you to reach out to others?”


October, 2015

(* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is the Director of PRASHANT, the Ahmedabad-based 
Jesuit Centre for Human Rights,
Justice and Peace.  He is the recipient of
several national and international awards including the Legion of Honour from 
the President of France and the Kabir Puraskar from the President of India)

Address: ‘PRASHANT’,
Hill Nagar, Near Saffron Hotel, Drive-in Road, Ahmedabad - 380052

(079) 27455913, 66522333 Fax:  (079) 27489018                              




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