


Cedric Prakash sj*


One of the most enduring and memorable
scenes for a disciple of Jesus is that of the ‘Last Supper’ which takes place 
on the evening before the crucifixion
of Jesus. Several things take place during this very moving event: Jesus
institutes what is regarded as the ‘mandamus’ (the mandate): “Love one 
another”, he reminds those
around the table “as I have loved you”.
 Jesus goes down on his knees and washes
the feet of each of his disciples. He is fully aware that one of them Judas
Iscariot will betray him shortly; however, he does not leave out Judas nor does
he ‘ban’ him from the happenings of that eventful night. He washes the feet of
Judas and he willingly shares with Judas the bread and the cup and while doing
so he says “the one who shared my bread
has risen against me”. (Jn 13:18).


In his life on earth, Jesus very clearly
shows us that his mission was inclusive. He welcomed sinners of every kind:
those who exploited others to those who were adulterous. In all this, he took
an unequivocal stand for truth and justice. He had no qualms in calling the
powerful and vested interests “a brood of vipers” and “whitened sepulchres”. He
identified himself totally with the victims of society knowing full well that
it was they who needed someone to take up cudgels on their behalf. He was also
sensitive; taking extra precautions not to hurt others unnecessarily.  


of God’ is an American film which was made in 1985 based on a play (written
earlier in 1982) by John Pielmeier. The plot hovers around a young nun, her
mysterious pregnancy and a dead baby. The nun insists that the child was of a 
conception’.  Both the original play and
the film did not seem to have “offended” people across the world all these
years and even in Bombay when it was first staged some years ago.


Unfortunately, last week when the play
directed by Kaizaad Kotwal was about to be staged there were some protests from
certain individuals and groups, some even asking for the ‘banning’ of the play
since it is apparently from ‘a wrongful portrayal  of the character of lakhs of 
clergy who are
committed to a life of celibacy’. Strangely if one goes through the script of
the play and even the film which one can easily download from the net, one
really wonders what this “wrongful portrayal” is all about. Those protesting
against the play might think they have scored some ‘brownie points’ but on the
flipside they may have done the play a world of good because now with the free
advertisement provided, several will now have heard of ‘Agnes of God’; will 
download the film, buy a DVD and even want to see the play!


For a disciple of Jesus, the ‘ban
culture’ should be something that one should desist from.  Jesus took a stand 
on several issues of his
time but he did not ban the women who brought their children to be blessed by 
nor did he ban that sinful woman who wanted to anoint his feet with precious
ointment.  For those around him, some of
these things were just not appropriate. 
Jesus reasoned this out with them, he dialogued, he asserted his point
of view.  


A disciple of Jesus is taught that every
woman and man is created in the image and likeness of God. So when an adivasi
woman is gang-raped, when Akhlaq is lynched in Dadri that is the time a
Christian should be outraged. It is then that we are called to be visible and
vocal just as Jesus would have done in his time; just as he would have done
today. A Christian’s faith cannot be shaken by a mere play even if it is 
True, everyone needs to be sensitive about the belief of another; but calling
for a ‘ban’ is just not the way.







Article 19 of the Constitution of India
guarantees every Indian citizen the fundamental right to freedom of speech and
expression. This same right also resonates in Article 19 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. We certainly have a right to protest but the
question we need to ask ourselves is “what are we protesting about?”


Pope Francis has consistently been
calling all Christians to be inclusive; to be able to create space for the
‘other’; to dialogue to the point of asking all Catholic Parishes in Europe to
adopt at least one Syrian refugee family. Can we learn something from his words
and witness?


In the recent past, we have witnessed
and experienced a spate of bans all over the country. People want to ban what
we eat and what we do; what we see and what we read; Indian girls ‘should not
dress up like this’ or ‘should not be out late at night’; Muslims and
Christians will not be permitted to enter a garba mandap in parts of 
list is endless indeed!  The ‘ban
culture’ is symptomatic of a society becoming more fundamentalist, fanatic and


A healthy democracy has to promote
freedom of thought and expression at every level and must have the courage to
respect dissenting opinions and other voices. The only ‘ban’ that could be
accepted on this freedom is a commitment to “ban the ban”


One hopes at least the Christians in
India will help promote and defend a society which is more tolerant, more
inclusive and which protects the rights and freedom of every single citizen.
Above all, as Christians we need to ask ourselves, if Jesus was physically
around today, would he call for a ban on ‘Agnes of God’?




October, 2015


(* Fr. Cedric Prakash SJ is
the Director of PRASHANT, the
Ahmedabad-based Jesuit Centre for Human Rights, Justice and Peace.)


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