Hi,Read your complaint in Goa net.To get a positive response from the Post 
Office, I suggest you lodge your complaint on this 
website:http://pgportal.gov.in/Choose the department from the drop down menu.I 
had a similar problem with my local post office. I lodged a complaint & got a 
response from the Post Master General that it would be considered when the 
annual staff requirement would be taken up in Dec.Dont forget to give your Mob 
no. You will get SMS alerts.Regards,Robin Viegas

rom: Nelson Lopes <nellope...@gmail.com>To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 
1994!"<goanet@lists.goanet.org>Subject: [Goanet] inconveniences at post 
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 of *982*[image: Print all][image: In new window]inconveniences at Chinchinim 
Post officeInboxxNelson Lopes <nellope...@gmail.com>Oct 10 (1 day ago)to 
celsieSUPERINTENDENT Nelson Lopes,B.Sc,M.A.,M.Ed. LL.bPost Office, Mapusa 
,Bardez, Goa 603, Dandeavado, Chinchinim, Salcette,Goa. 4037150832/2863327, 
9850926276, email,nellopes25@gmail.comDate.13-10-2015SirSub;Inconveniences at 
Chinchinim Post office 403715The postal committee for Chinchinim post office 
consists of Mr NelsonLopes, Mr Martin Pereira, B.Sc. B.Ed, ex HM of Mount 
Mary`s High SchoolChinchinim, Mr Frank B Martins, Director of Francon`s Marine 
Accademy,Bandfoll, ChinchinimAt the behest of and under instructions of postal 
users of the village, thecommittee met the Post Master , with prior intimation, 
on Postal day10-October at 11a.m at the post office premisesOn several 
occasions for the past 2 years, orally and politely the SPM wasrequested for 
requisition of replacement staff not sanctioned for the last2 years. We are 
informed that normal periodic revision case/ process hasto be dealt with it by 
authorities suo mottu and that they have no say inthe sanction, or cannot even 
express the need for justified replacement.In fact we were shocked that there 
are occasional requests for deputation/training of the only clerk, thereby 
accentuating the already precariousposition. We inquired further and in the 
negative, whether the post officeis downgraded in terms of business canvassed 
or economic viability to denymuch needed replacement. This absence of much 
needed replacement hasresulted in long Q`s with Senior citizens in large 
numbers having toendure standing patiently, in spite of having the special 
privilege butfor the impatience, protests of general public. We want to 
stateemphatically that even though it is visible that the staff of two 
isstressed and stretched, they are doing the best they can without a murmurof 
complaint. The SPM in spite of his assigned duties is voluntarily seenrelieving 
the clerk of her mounting, time bound daily work pressures.Practically working 
daily beyond their schedule hours is an indication ofoverwork and magnitude of 
daily time bound ,unfinished routine.The work of issuing stamps, accepting 
Regd.mail, telephone bills, speedpost, issuing of stationery is now transferred 
to the only clerk, burdenfurther of having to deal with saving Bank, RD,MIS, 
NSC, TD, opening ofaccounts, payments, and rush of opening new Sukanya Samrudi 
accounts whichresults in frayed tempers, irritations, heated arguments and 
unwanted,avoidable delays. The malfunctioning of computers at times adds to the 
woesof users .The provision of amenity of sealing gum, it appears is 
regulatedby fixed expenditure constrainConsidering the volume of work , the 
business growth ,the number of clientsattached to Chinchinim post office, the 
new and added services rendered,it is but justified that the replacement be 
provided immediately to providesatisfactory service and the authorities should 
know better, withoutforcing us to agitate, complain, demand the totally 
justified replacement,discontinued over two yearsIt is our honest appeal on 
behalf and at the request of users of ChinchinimPost office facility to the 
authorities to be sensitive and immediatelyappoint forthwith the much needed 
replacement and not to economizeunnecessarily, thereby increasing our 
frustrations, exhausting the limitsof patience and compelling us to resort to 
unpalatable, drastic means toaddress our just grievances by replacementWe are 
sure that better sense will prevail and the authorities will do theneedful at 
the earliestThanking you in anticipationYours faithfullyNelson Lopes Mr Martin 
Pereira. Mr Frank B Martins(9404142718)(9850127276)Click here to Reply, Reply 
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