SC decision on NJAC a ‘setback to Parliamentary sovereignty’: Govt
Expressing "surprise" over Supreme Court's decision to strike down a new law to 
appoint judges to the higher judiciary, government today questioned the 
transparency of the old collegium system which has been revived with the 


While it is quite right to question the Transparency or lack thereof of the 
'Collegium System' of appointing Judges to the Higher Judiciary,  the Govt's 
argument of Parliamentary Sovereignty is flawed.

Does this mean that IF Parliament tomorrow enacts a new law(say) BANNING the 
consumption of Fish  and Dal except on First Fridays, would that 'Parliamentary 
Sovereignty' mean that the Courts could not overturn that Law?

And What about the Separation between the three pillars: Executive, Legislature 
and Judiciary and the need for Checks and Balances?


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