Please look at the attachment below and read it in the light of Clause 15 B
of Goa University Amendment Act 2006:

“Bar on University and its authorities – The Goa  University and or for
that matter any authority under the Goa University Act, 1984 (Act  of
1984), shall not have any powers to make any statue dealing with the age of
retirement or extension in service of any teaching staff or any other
employee of the University or any teaching staff or any other employee of
aided or non-aided Colleges affiliated to the said University if any such
powers stand conferred on any on any authority under the provisions of the
said Act, 1984, they shall, to the extent, stand repealed. Any statute so
made or existing shall, to the extent it contravenes any of the provisions
of the Goa University (Amendment Act,) 2006, be deemed of be void and of no

But the director of education has issued a letter to the Goa University
dated 9/10/2015: “to request the University to amend the Statute 5A-6
immediately providing that the Vice Chancellor shall hold office for a term
of five years from the date on which he enters his office irrespective of
his/her age.” If this request has received the endorsement of the Atorney
General (see attachment), then it is a clear case wilful ignorance on the
part of these authorities.

Interestingly the original request is from the VC and it appears this is
also a case of wilful ignorance ("If there is knowledge that you could have
had and should have had but chose not to have, you are still responsible.")

And the Principal's Forum also appears to be willfully ignorant.
Incidentally it is touching that the Principal's forum chooses to appeal to
the DHE to enhance the retirement age of College Professors & Associate
Professors apart from themselves, the Vice
Chancellor and Registrar. I am sure that the College Professors and
Associate Professors will be suitably impressed by this touching gesture.

Augusto Pinto

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