Missionaries of Charities on adoption

The Govt of India  it seems has overhauled the process of adoption It is
argued that the stake holders have been taken on board, It is doubtful
 whether MOC and others in the system of adoption have been at least
consulted and their suggestions considered before finalization The MOC have
opted out as adoption by single mothers and gay couples do not fit with
 their philosophy and cannot be compelled against their principles .It is
more of a humanitarian work of providing a life of love, care
,responsibility in upbringing abandoned , orphaned , and those in abusive
families The sisters are very meticulous in giving away in adoption, A
security deposit in the name of adopted child is secured, thorough
background check is undertaken, with continuous monitoring of home visits.
This process is in operation even when child is adopted by foreign parents
The origin of the child, parents, caste, religion may not be disclosed and
the parent is neither allowed to disclose details. Most of the adoption is
by single, educated, professional unmarried mothers, to share love, satisfy
motherly instinct and provide a footing in life., Such unmarried mothers
have to face social curiosity, and scrutiny about illegitimate offspring’s
The example of Shusmita Sen at age of 25 is one model often quoted to
sustain reliability. The support of the family of adopting mother improves
success of adoption. Another irritation faced by single mothers is
admission in schools, where fathers name is normally insisted upon. Getting
a passport too for adopted child needs completion of column on the father`s
name . For once girl is preferred for adoption .Many such adopted girl
child are happily settled and affectionately bond in the new environment
adoption by single fathers is very rare and exceptional Adoption by gay
couple is too be approached cautiously, When child faces abuse in home, it
is placed in foster home, but here one has to hopelessly endure abusive

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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