Dear All
What follows is the text of Dr Peter Ronald De Souza's letter which was the
first pile of wood lit in the pyre of the greedy, unscrupulous, VC,
Registrar, et al.

In the meanwhile the rumor is that the DHE engineered the downfall of the
VC with whom there is no love lost, although he was the one who sent the
letter to the University asking for the VC to be given an extension.

And there are other rumors floating that the RSS did not want too many SB's
in control of the Higher Education.

And there are rumors that the three Principals who were given extensions
may be revoked. And is it true that Reddy is supposed to be the Pro-VC?

Kya sach kya jhoot? But the gossip circulating around is pretty juicy.
Have fun.

From: "Peter DeSouza" <
Date: 14 Oct 2015 8:57 am
Subject: Re: Nineteenth Meeting (Special) of the Eighth Executive Council
to be held on Thursday, 15th October, 2015 at 3:00 p.m.

 The Vice Chancellor,


 Executive Council

 Goa University

 13 October 2015

 Dear Vice Chancellor,

 I have received the notice from the Registrar calling for a Special
meeting to change the Statutes of Goa University. I have several comments
to make regarding the opaque process that has been followed in the last few
months with respect to the ‘succession process’ at Goa university. This
issue of the ‘succession process’ has to be examined in detail because it
concerns the two most important offices of Goa University, that of the Vice
Chancellor and of the Registrar.

 Succession, conducted in a routine manner according to rules, you will
agree is one of the most important features of a constitutional democracy.
It enables us to strengthen the legitimacy of institutions and to establish
the key principle that an institution is more important than a person
however competent that person maybe. This has been the basis of managing
succession to all key offices of the state, from the President of the
Republic, to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to the Chief of the
Army, to the head of governments. Even a good Director General of CSIR has
had to relinquish office when he reached the age of superannuation or when
his contract period got over. One of the greatest achievements of Indian
democracy is that it has established this principle of peaceful and orderly
succession. Weak Chief Justices may follow great Chief Justices, but still
the system appoints the former, or incompetent Chief Ministers may follow
visionary Chief Ministers and yet they are welcomed into office. The system
is prepared to face the costs of any incompetence only because it wishes to
safeguard the integrity of the succession process.

 On no occasion has the argument been entertained that because the
incumbent is competent, and maybe even exceptional, the rule of succession
is to be set aside. The system, in fact, starts the process of preparing
for the successor well in advance. There are no surprises, since dates of
superannuation and dates of the appointment are known in advance. No
special effort has to be made to remind the system to prepare the process
of selecting a successor. No special meetings need to be called to change
the rules and to alter the system to suit an incumbent. This has happened
in places like Zimbabwe and Sri Lanka and Russia to name just a few
countries. These are not shining examples to follow. Indian democracy, in
contrast, has remained steadfast in its adherence to the principle of
succession according to rules. Except during the dark period of the
Emergency when Mrs Gandhi changed the Constitution to suit her interests
and to justify her declaration of Emergency. This is not a period we like
to remember.

 Alas Goa University seeks to deviate from this hallowed tradition of
routine and regular succession. The University administration deliberately
lapsed in not preparing for succession, well in advance, to both offices.
What had been done routinely in decades past, when we did have competent
Vice-chancellors and registrars, has now become a matter of emergency. The
university has been brought to a pass where special meetings have to be
called to change the rules to favour the present incumbents. The
deliberations in the Executive Council, of sending a name for the search
committee to be constituted, and the declarations in the EC where
incumbents have emphatically stated that they are determined to exit on the
date when their contract comes to an end, are now sought to be nullified by
the special meeting to enable the incumbent to continue. There is an
urgency to the notice as if, were we to miss the date, the University would
be in a grave crisis. The logic of the special meeting is to establish the
principle that some persons are indispensable for Goa University and hence
we should alter the rules of the system to make it possible for them to
continue. By doing so their continuation will acquire a semblance of law.

 This I believe sets a dangerous precedent. Goa University has provisions
to deal with such situations. It has done so in the past. But if, as is
being implied, it is not robust enough to deal with the interregnum then
the argument of the good work done in the last few years comes to nought
since it appears that instead of strengthening the university we seem to
have enfeebled it. It seems that it cannot deal with the exit of a
competent VC. It seems that what we had done so well in the past, manage
succession without any problems, is now too inadequate for us. If the
indispensability of persons is the logic that prompts the proposed changes
of the statute then we are led to the silly conclusion that the
indispensable officers be allowed to continue till they choose to leave.
They are just too indispensable. There is no guarantee that the next time
around equally competent officers will be available. The principle of
superannuation will, by this argument, by thrown into the dustbin. In fact
the proposed changes seeks to do away with the superannuation age of 65
years. Not only is no age of superannuation specified but it also does not
specify the maximum age at which a Vice Chancellor can enter office.

 In addition to my discontent on the above two counts, (i) the deliberate
delay by the University in initiating the process of selecting a successor,
and (ii) changing the succession rules, through emergency action, to suit
the present incumbent, I have disquiet on some additional issues. They are
mainly legal issues that need clarification.

 What implication does the recommended change have for the principle of
superannuation which is so central to the government system? No
superannuation age is mentioned in the proposed revision.
 The proposed change is in violation of the Goa University Amendment Act
May 2006 Clause 15 (B) which places a bar on University and its authorities
to make any statute dealing with retirement age or granting of any
extension to any employee of the University. The agenda for the Special
Meeting is hence in violation of the law as per 15b of the act.
 If changes are being recommended for the office of the VC, why should this
not be extended to Principals, Deans, and Heads of Departments? The
Equality principle of the Constitution requires that they too get the same
benefit? Why should the VC only not be bound by the rule of superannuation
and not these other ‘competent’ heads of sections and other institutions
under Goa University? Let each office get a fixed term and not be bound by
the principle of the age of superannuation.
 How does the proposed change align with the UGC rules, and MHRD
guidelines, which spell out how a Vice Chancellor is to be chosen?
 What is the status of the appointment contract signed by the Chancellor
and the Vice Chancellor, where dates of exit are specified? Will it become
null and void?
 In this case it should be seen as a fresh appointment. That would require
us to initiate the regular process of selecting a VC. Is it being
recommended that we bypass the regular process specified in the statutes if
this is a fresh appointment? Can the initial appointment order be changed?
 If after five years we are in a similar situation as we are today, of an
administration that has not initiated the process of selecting a successor,
does it mean that the incumbent will continue till a successor is
appointed, ie., beyond five years? What are the consequences of this
 If the EC changes this statute should it also not change other statutes
linked to it which specify that the senior most Dean or Professor will
officiate in the interim period.
 Is there a maximum age at which a candidate can be considered for the
office of the VC? Will a candidate at 64 years and 11 months be considered?

 In the light of my discontent on the University’s lethargy in initiating
the succession process, and my expressed disquiet at the undermining the
principles that govern the impersonal system we had followed so far, and my
anxiety that we are violating the Act in its provision 15B, I must firmly
vote against the proposed changes and against the emergency manner in which
they are being brought.

 I am aware that some esteemed members of Council think this is being too
procedural, that rules must not be an impediment to good work. This is a
sentiment that was voiced at the last EC meeting where we recorded our
appreciation at the outstanding work that you and your team have done. I
had hoped that such accolades would be adequate recognition of a job well
done but now I find myself being asked to consider a change of rules to
suit your interests. I am afraid I cannot endorse the change. No reasoning
is given for it. If it is necessary we can deliberate it at a routine
meeting of the EC. Two special meeting do not have to be called to make
your continuation possible. It is unfortunate that the good work done by
both you and the registrar will be marked by this blemish of wanting to
stay on in office and changing the rules, in an emergency meeting called
for the purpose, to make it possible. I must confess my disappointment.

 I cannot attend the EC meeting since I have commitments in Shimla and the
notice is too short. Please place my letter on the record and have it
deliberated by the honourable members of the EC.


 Peter Ronald deSouza

 Member EC, Goa University

 Dr.S.Radhakrishnan Chair of the Rajya Sabha

 Member of the UPSC committee to review the Civil Services Examination.

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