House full in Goa this weekend, as a combination of holidays has tens
of thousands of vehicles pouring across the borders, and jam-packed
airplanes disgorging passengers at Dabolim—an endless stream of
visitors eager to enjoy their getaway in India's favourite vacation
destination.The sheer impressive numbers indicate this will be yet
another record tourism season for the country's smallest state.

Every off-season, there are considerable jitters among the tourism
stakeholders of Goa. The world economy continues to suffer jolts and
crises that reverberate here: the falling ruble, threats to the euro,
rising oil prices. There's always dissatisfaction with government
policy—after all this is a sector that was born, and came to flourish
despite officialdom, not because of its help. But then, every season
begins with a bang, and during every season another record is broken.

In the millennium year of 2000, when the world decisively woke up to
Goa's unique package of pleasures, the state attracted around 1.25
million tourists. Just two years later that total had matched the
state's resident population—1.6 million. The next year (2003), 2
million tourist arrivals were tallied for the first time. Last year,
the government says the 4 million barrier was broken, and this year
tourism minister Dilip Parulekar claims 6, or even 7 million is

It is true that ever-increasing numbers of footfalls do not
necessarily translate to increased revenue. It is also true that
successive administrations are gleeful about increasing crowds, but
continue to comprehensively abdicate responsibility to manage the
attendant social, cultural and environmental impact—the state reels
under a tidal wave of garbage, the rivers and waterways are becoming
irredeemably polluted with sewage, and impromptu, mostly illegal hotel
and restaurant infrastructure overwhelms the coastline.

So why do these vast numbers of tourists still come to Goa? When
glorious beaches stretch empty in Ratnagiri and Puri, and equally
verdant hinterlands glisten in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, why Goa? When
December airfares and hotel room rates in Bangkok or Dubai or Galle
are significantly cheaper, why are people still returning year after
year to Candolim and Betalbatim, to Arpora and Fontainhas?

They come because this is one place in India which is still
open-minded and tolerant and easy-going, where good manners are still
relatively prevalent. Here, no one is going to bash up or crucify a
young couple because one looks Muslim and the other Hindu. Here a
woman can wear a bikini on the beach, or a burkha to the market, and
no one is likely to hassle her in either setting. It should be that
way everywhere, but unfortunately, Goa is one of the last places in
India it is.

Here is a place where foreigners can experience India without feeling
overwhelmed, and Indians can experience the outside world without
feeling overwhelmed. The Saturday Night Bazaar in Arpora is a terrific
21st century melting pot: an astonishing mix of people from every
corner of the world mingling peacefully together, listening to each
other's music, tasting each other's food, trying on each other's
clothing styles, everything taking place in a very relaxed atmosphere
that is entirely Goan.

Some of the most remarkable boutiques, beds and breakfasts, inns,
cafes, hotels, shops and restaurants anywhere have sprouted
organically out of the tourism economy. You can buy real mozzarella di
bufala made in Goa, real British bangers made in Goa, real pain au
chocolat and croissants made in Goa. Some of the state's most famous
and successful restaurants are run by Burmese, Greek, Brazilian,
Italian, French and Japanese chefs.

Goan specialities also flourish alongside. While Reginald Antao and
his brothers continue to produce exquisite handmade eclairs in an
old-style wood-burning oven at Jila Bakery in Ambora, Vandana Naique
turns out stunning cakes and all kinds of bread at Bodega in Panaji's
Altinho. Celia da Gama painstakingly researches and presents
traditional ingredients and techniques in her superb prix fixe lunch
at the Palacio do Deao in Quepem, but Prahlad Sukhtankar joyously
reinvents them altogether at Panaji's Black Sheep Bistro.

All these individuals and establishments—and many more—are the reasons
why first-time weekenders and veteran travellers love Goa, and return
to Goa, and continue to do so despite the very many problems that
continue to plague and bedevil the state and its tourism sector.
Larger numbers definitely mean larger problems, and it is certainly
imperative that solutions to all of these are sought, identified and
pursued. But there is also a time to count blessings, and to
acknowledge what makes success possible.

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