

In the context of a number of Sahitya Akademi awardees across India
returning their respective awards in protest against the growing
intolerance in India, in Goa around fourteen Sahitya Akademi awardees
together with Padmashri awardees Maria Aurora Couto and Amitav Ghosh came
together and issued a joint statement on 15 October, 2015. One would be
struck by the hypocrisy contained in their press note released were it not
for the fact that their politics of intolerance is so blatantly displayed
all over the same note.

In their statement these local notables condemn “the rising trend of
intolerance in the country which threatens freedom of expression…[and] the
age-old liberal and all-encompassing philosophical traditions of this
country.” One would take this concern seriously were it not for the fact
many of these notables have been complicit not only in acts of intolerance
themselves, but also physical violence.

For some years now there have been demands from many quarters that Konkani
literature written in the Roman script also be given governmental
recognition. But Sahitya Akademi awardees like Pundalik Naik and N.
Shivdas, who have presided over the Goa Konkani Academy, have not felt it
necessary to take up this cause and ensure that a Konkani tradition with a
longer history than that in the Nagari script one is recognised. On the
contrary, all of these protesting SahityaAkademi awardees and Padmashri
Couto have watched silently while Roman-scriptKonkani has been officially
ignored and excluded from all kind of state recognition, including awards
and grants.

In addition, these persons have maintained a studious silence while their
associates, such as Uday Bhembre and Nagesh Karmali, have engaged in the
most vicious hate speech against the Catholic community in the course of
the Medium of Instruction controversy (that has raged from 2011), when Goan
parents demanded the right to determine the manner in which their children
are educated. Where was their concern for the alleged liberal traditions,
and traditional bonhomie, of Goa then?

To make matters worse, these same notables watched silently when in 2005
Naguesh Karmali, a member of this verygroup of protestors, led a violent
mob in destroying public and private property on the grounds that such
property was encouraging Portuguese (read as Catholic) culture in Goa.Given
that Goa has had a long and historical relationship with Portugal, doesn’t
the violent smashing of manifestations of this relationship amount to an
act of the very same rabid communalism that these worthies profess to
protest against?

In light of these inconsistencies, and the equally amusing announcement
that they will hold on to their awards until the meeting of the executive
committee of the Sahitya Akademi, it appears that these awardees seem more
interested on jumping onto the bandwagon of political trendiness, than for
any desire to stand against the growing intolerance in the country, and
indeed, Goa itself.

We would like to stress that while it is true that the government of Mr.
Modi has definitely presided over a rise in intolerance in the country, the
roots of this intolerance lie deeper in the country’s history. As we have
already pointed out, a number, if not all, of these Goan awardees are
complicit in this intolerance. Their complicity is further evident in the
manner in which they phrase their protest within the language of Hindutva.
Why, for example, are the recent acts compared to ‘talibanism’, instead of
calling them Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism? Talibanism is a phenomenon
situated outside the country, when Hindutva is the problem actually at
hand, given that Kalbargi, Pansare and Dabholkar lost their lives as a
result of their opposition to this ideology. Indeed, Hindu nationalism has
been a problem since before Indian independence. In referencing the
Taliban, these awardees continue the refusal to recognize Hindu nationalism
as the single greatest cause of concern in this country since 1947.

In conclusion, we would be more convinced of the genuine concerns of these
state awardees from Goa if we heard them also protest the exclusion of
Konkani in the Roman script from legislative recognition, also the violent
condemnation of the Goans who are simply asking for English as a
state-supported medium of <>instruction for
their children, and also the lack of implementation of constitutional
guarantees for education and jobs to historically discriminated-against
Goan communities. Such protests would go further in establishing norms for
the respect of fundamental rights, and the establishment of law and order
in our state and country.

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