Mystery of death of Fr Bismark

Fr Bismark made his appearance contesting unsuccessfully elections to the
legislative assembly. Thereafter he plunged into highlighting social issues
.Rightly so he rubbed shoulders with all those crooked elements , who were
bent upon personal gains, Though he stopped his main priestly functions, no
friend, associate believes about Fr Bismark committing suicide late at
night, it is stated that Fr walked 2 kms through thick foliage to reach the
sluice gate, parking his scooter at a distance, He was accompanied by a
history sheeter and another, carrying 13 beer bottles in two installments
No evidence as to who paid for the stuff, and from whom,. No statement as
how many bottles the two consumed  to fall into deep slumber, while the two
witnessed Fr diving into the river twice, they slept over the night,
possibly  on a drinking binge as free loaders and that is an alibi of
deception  to mislead and difficult to swallow without a pinch of salt, Fr
was never known to keep company with the two before. When they woke  up the
next morning, they saw the belongings and the bike  still in place and
concluded that Fr too had returned home, They did not inform anyone nor
tried to inquire from his relatives. The antecedents of two are not in
public domain as of now. Fr informed home that he would reach for dinner at
8. Pm. The body was found floating on Saturday morning, when Fr was missing
from Friday night., The panchnama was done as a matter of routine without
any seriousness it deserved, not taking due care in this high profile case
of suspected murder, The police picked up the bottles without lifting
finger prints. They believed or rather wanted to believe the two persons
without any suspicions and let them off too quickly The first   autopsy
report  by a single doctor confirmed drowning with marks on soft tissues
due to water creatures The urine retention did not match with so called
drinking binge by Fr, There is character assassination by propagating Fr as
a tippler,, which has never been the case known to his intimate friends.
Under pressure from public and family a autopsy report was conducted by 3
doctors, who reserve the findings due unavailability of viscera findings
Chief Minister is playing to the gallery, when there is no probe at all

There is a public outcry on the incident labeled as drowning; Fr was not a
novice to swimming to go at that odd hour, surprisingly with unknown
friends and carrying in tow beer bottles There is something amiss and fishy
about the whole narrative and no one is buying this story .Fr had
accumulated a lot of enemies attempting to do social justice to individuals
and causes C.M wants daily report, delayed due pending viscera report
according to the police, but about a non starting probe The  clamour for
CID monitored probe is  being negated and also special investigating team
proposed by MLA Visnhu Wag The press  and public are keeping up the
pressure on Govt to do justice for his image and character The political
ramifications can be upsetting as people are united on the suspicious death
of Fr Bismark, The family in the meanwhile has refused to  perform the last
rites, demanding first to solve the murder mystery  The incompetence of
investigating agency is being talked about as the crime scene being botched

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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