

David Rocha has rightly said " *The GLP went to the polls several times but
people of Goa did not vote because all were blinded by the belief that only
a national party could govern GOA "*

Unfortunately for Goa, It turned out that only the national parties could
loot and plunder Goa to the extent that no regional party could ever imagin.
As GSRP sees it, Goans are not blinded. Only their eyes have been glued
shut by the national glue and they are still afraid to force them open even
when the national hand is almost at their throats to strangulate  them.

16 years ago, 45 Goans met at the International Center, Dona Paula,  to
groom a lean, clean Regional Bull that will challenge the Corrupt and
Communal National Bulls, fattened with lard with nary a challenge on the
horizon, in the bull fighting ring, complete with a written down ROAD MAP
and Constitutional safeguards on austerity measures so that profligate
life-style of these BULLS  will be ended  and the clobbering State Public
Debt will be re-paid to free the  goan posterity from the heavy burden
which does not allow it progress.

Not only the above, but also to set up GOA's OWN HIGH COMMAND IN GOA so
that Delhi,Nagpur, Baramati or elsewhere does not decide what Goan need and
Hopefully, this glue will melt come 2017 so that Goans may see the reality
of them standing at the cliff's edge and the inevitable plunge into
nothinness is avoided.

The idea of Goa's Own High Command in Goa  hasn't died with Matanhy
Saldanha of the erstwhile GLP for its lone founding member is one of the
leaders of the GSRP of the future with the said goals of GLP alive and
kicking, grace the Bull-Fighting Ring in 2017 with 30 odd clean, lean, with
no past baggage, CHEER-LEADERS in the hope that the numbers will convince
our lethargic Goan to  go for the  kill since 1961..
Twt/goasuraj; flory/29

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