Aires Rodrigues writes:
Let us publicly appeal to the Defence Minister of India Manohar Parrikar that 
in view of the massive and devastating flood crisis underway at Chennai, he 
cancel his 60th birthday fiesta scheduled at Panaji on December 13th.

It would be highly improper and infact a repeat of Nero fiddling while Rome was 
burning if the Defence Minister of the country is merry making in Goa while the 
country is shocked and has to remain in solidarity with the victims of the 
colossal Chennai disaster.

GL responds:

I welcome Manohar Parrikar, throwing his 60th birthday fiesta (with his own 
money of course) in Goa.  The Chennai natural disaster has nothing to do with 
Defense Ministry.  I don't think other Goans and Indians are putting their own 
personal events (birthday, wedding, christening) on hold due to what is 
going-on in another part of the country.

I look upon the defense minister's bash as helping Goa; with all the defense 
contractors coming to Goa for the fiesta and a little holiday cheer.  This 
"fiesta" will be a god-spent for Goa's battered tourist industry - hotels, 
taxis and restaurants (given lack of Russian and British tourists). 

Goans have to start counting their blessings. And the dialog should be how to 
maximize any benefit and make a good situation even better; instead of the 
perennial complaining that we often see on Goannet.
Regards, GL

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