RitMari was so much tensed because her husband (JuzMunel) always comes home 
late night fully drunk, and if she objects toit, JuzMunel quarrels with her.

It was 11:40 p.m. when JuzMunel enters home:-

RitMari: (With anger) Listen JuzMunel, I am really fed-upwith your overdrinking 
of liquor. Not a single night I find you sober.

JuzMunel: Now you listen tome, I am drinking of my own money, nobody has right 
to tell me not to drink.

RitMari: Tomorrow, if youcome home drinking like this, I swear,                 
                 I will complain to the police station and put you behind the 

Next night too as usual  JuzMunel comes home by over drinking. RitMari 
complains to the Police station. Police jeep comes and take JuzMunel to the 
Police station and put him behind the bars, next morningthe in-charge of the 
Police station (PSI Costao) questioned JuzMunel:

PSI Costao: Your wife saysthat every night you comes home by drinking and 
quarrels with her, is it right?

JuzMunel: Yes inspector, butI drink of my own money, comes to my own home and 
quarrel with my own wife. 

PSI Costao: I really don’t knowwhy you people drink alcohol when it is not the 
answer for the question. 

JuzMunel: Alcohol may not bethe answer but it helps you to forget the 

Cajetande Sanvordem



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