Message: 8
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 01:26:14 +0000 (UTC)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
To: Goanet <>

Since you welcome feed back, here is one of them:
I think we are busy setting up bonfires burning plastic etc. on roadsides
and burning leaves, coconut branches et al in our backyards (mostly during
evening hours)! However, this comes no way close to 'any one' of your (US)
'forest' fires!!
It seems the Paris Convention on Climate Change attendees generated about
575 million pounds of CO2 (Carbon dioxide (CO2) is a colourless, odourless,
non-toxic gas that in its solid form is known as "dry ice") and
aircraft-airliners used 27 million gallons of jet fuel to fly in delegates
Alone, that looks like a really big number. Compared to the entire world,
which produces about 80 quadrillion pounds of CO2 each year, it’s not much.
In fact, all the travel for all the people to and from Paris equals about
22 seconds of global CO2 emissions. Add in two weeks of hotels, taxis,
espressos, pastries, and wine toasts, and you can probably tack on another
half second or so.

GL wrote:
Climate Change Meeting and Goa
I am surprised that Goanet did not generate much discussion on what Goans
individually and as a community can do to help Goa,its farmers, and the
climate.To start the dialog, here is an article worth reading with some
useful? pointers.?
Regards, GL

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