Question maku? Que significado! Interrobang uzar korat (monant). Pun to ek
nonstandard marku Baba.
Use an interrobang. The interrobang had a short life but look it up. Here
it comes below.

Ot you English lighters no know it! Not eben hurd op it :) But you so
shanna hanh!

Aww ... Engene let people be ligards Liberation. Enough of matar por

Chortle, chortle,
Venantius J Pinto

On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 2:44 PM, Eugene Correia <>

> Don't understand the significance of a question mark. The state of Goa
> today doesn't need to be seen through a keyhole. It should be an assertion
> that Goa's Liberation has become sour for many Goans. It isn't that all
> Goans have benefitted from Liberation.
> Just as there are the "spoils of war", there are "spoils of Liberation".
> Goans are in charge of their destiny. There are some Catholic miisters in
> the government, if one wants to pin down the government for pushing its
> Hinduvta agenda.
> If Goa is falling apart, as one is led to believe, it is the unmaking of
> Goa by those who care a damn. Is Liberation to be blamed for it? Liberation
> wasn't an illusion. It was blood and bravery. People laid down their lives.
> Those who fought for it, fought for an ideal.
> What became of India? What has become of Goa? Progress yes, and, at the
> same time, worse things that effect the livelihood of Goans.
> Eugene
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2015 at 11:06 AM, Robin Viegas <>
> wrote:
> > From: b sabha <>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > []<
> >
> > >
> >
> > Isn’t Liberation a cruel joke when Goa is in chains?<
> >
> > >
> >
> > As incessantly as the regularity of the passage of time, Goa basks in the
> > glory of “liberation” with the same set template of going through the
> > motions of celebrating freedom from the yoke of colonisation. But are we
> > liberated?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > As incessantly as the regularity of the passage of time, Goa basks in the
> > glory of “liberation” with the same set template of going through the
> > motions of celebrating freedom from the yoke of colonisation. But are we
> > liberated?
> >
> > 19 Dec, 2015, 08:00AM IST
> >
> > A-   A+
> > <
> >
> > ><
> >
> > >7
> >
> > As incessantly as the regularity of the passage of time, Goa basks in the
> > glory of “liberation” with the same set template of going through the
> > motions of celebrating freedom from the yoke of colonisation. But are we
> > liberated?
> >
> > Freedom and colonisation are both easy to sell to the rest of India,
> where
> > the first was the prize for the fight of many Indians against the later.
> So
> > when the Indian army, on the orders of the Defence Minister Krishna
> Menon,
> > raided Goa, in December 1961, it incorporated into its imagination the
> > words freedom and colonisation the way it meant in British India. For
> sure
> > India got Goa in 1961 through an armed annexation which it called the
> > culmination of Goa’s freedom movement. The Indian troops managed to
> secure
> > Goa easily with no resistance by the Portuguese, leading to the Governor
> > General of the Estado da India to sign the instrument of surrender.
> >
> > Let there be no mistake. 54 years later after Estado Da India was
> annexed,
> > Goans do not need any certificate of patriotism. Their Indian-ness is
> > complete. When thousands line up to surrender their Indian passports and
> > line up again to get their Portuguese ones, each one tells us of their
> > sadness, grief and horror of being betrayed by their country, which has
> > taken away their land, their way of life, their identity, their freedoms
> > and their confidence to stand up and fight against the tyranny of their
> own
> > state. And lest we forget, the generation which is lining up to give back
> > their blue passports to acquire the red ones, neither know nor feel any
> of
> > the affects of inquisition or dictatorship of the Portuguese. They do not
> > have the ghosts of the past haunting them, but the ghosts of the present.
> > And these ghosts are not imaginary but very real. From the panchayat in
> > Pilerne to the Secretariat in Porvorim, from the municipality to the
> > minister’s office, the common Goan faces the everyday bullishness of a
> > system of governance that forces him to literally surrender his liberties
> > and his rights in the same manner, that the Governor General of Estado da
> > India signed the instrument of surrender on December 19, 1961.
> >
> > At the heart of this feeling of abject emptiness, (akin to what Mr Kurtz
> > the European felt in the forests of Congo in Joseph Conrad’s epic novel
> > Heart of Darkness, as he uttered ‘Horror Horror’ on his death bed), is
> the
> > horror of the common Goan of losing his land, as it is grabbed by the
> state.
> >
> > In Tuem, names of legal lease holders been illegally deleted from Form I
> &
> > XIV, as the government has taken over land 3,08,625 sq mtrs of land in
> > prime forested areas for its electronic city project, by changing the
> land
> > use of the extinct Regional Pan of 2001 and the “in abeyance” Regional
> Plan
> > of 2021. Herald investigations have also revealed that not only leased
> land
> > but legal tenanted land has been taken away from a farmer, Amarnath Naik,
> > without his consent or permission. Is this the liberated Goa we live in?
> >
> > In Tiracol village, there has been a planned, systematic takeover of the
> > village, by taking away households and lands in the garb of an eco
> tourism
> > project. Herald has stood in solidarity with the villagers of Tiracol who
> > are battling the twin enemies – Leading Hotels and the government of Goa,
> > who have become facilitators, in absolute violation of the Tenancy Act
> and
> > the Mundkar Act. Is this the liberated Goa we live in?
> > From Canacona to Carmona, massive projects built by cutting hillsides,
> > destroying forests and violating CRZ provisions, with fancy seductive
> > titles showcasing their presence in the lap of nature, have been cleared
> by
> > either bypassing or manipulating the Regional Plan through utter
> corruption
> > in the panchayats in collusion with local politicians. Is this the
> > liberated Goa we live in?
> >
> > The takeover of land by the state government, by the central government
> > and by private players is the biggest slap on the face of a “liberated”
> > Goa. It is a Goa in chains, it is a Goa weakened by corruption and it is
> a
> > Goa where the powerful and the rich are the liberated dictators with the
> > common man living a life of misery as a slave.
> >
> > The word liberation is cruel joke played upon us.
> >
> > And how has this takeover of land happened? We wish to draw upon and take
> > the liberty of borrowing from a seminal essay by scholars Jason Keith
> > Fernandes, Amita Kanekar, Albertina Almeida and Dale Menezes “How Goa is
> > getting colonised, one mega project at a time”, (May 31, 2015) in the DNA
> > newspaper, to seek answers. The authors wrote, “In Goa, land was
> > traditionally appropriated and tightly controlled by the bhatkars. Relief
> > to the mundkars and tenants came in the form of the Goa Agricultural
> > Tenancy Act, 1964 and the Goa Mundkar Act, 1975, but this relief was
> > eventually thwarted by a new and developing economic system that no
> longer
> > made it economically viable to cultivate land and made it seem more
> > alluring to sell land to the highest bidder and share the spoils, albeit
> > disproportionately between the bhatkar and the tenants. What we see is
> > that, although the mundkar and agricultural population in Goa is not able
> > to forge alliances with similar beleaguered communities across India and
> > the world, more bhatkars – in the form of national and global
> capitalists –
> > are getting added to the old ones in Goa. These national and
> multi-national
> > corporations have allied themselves with the local Goan bhatkars and thus
> > combine modern as well as traditional power to drive out the mundkars and
> > the agricultural tenants from their ancestral homes and the lands that
> they
> > have long tended. This is the process by which Goa gets colonised, one
> > mega-project at a time”
> >
> > The biggest fear among “liberated” Goans is the loss of land through
> > mischievous take overs. Non Resident Goans are paranoid that when they
> > return to Goa, they will find their unattended properties seized and
> their
> > names struck off land titles due to manipulation at the sub-registrar’s
> > office. Is this the liberated Goa we live in?
> >
> > In the Goa which is in chains, the all powerful current BJP government is
> > set to control the government and its men in a manner never done before.
> > Key positions in sensitive departments are being filled by loyal RSS and
> > BJP followers who will take decisions not according to merit or law but
> > according to the wish of the master in Goa and the supreme master in
> Delhi
> > who is longing to get back to Goa. But let there be no mistake. The
> > chaining of Goa has not happened in this rule alone. Let’s not forget
> that
> > a frustrated Goa, tired of corruption and deals had voted the previous
> > government out. And as Goa hopes and prays that these chains will break
> it
> > knows that the same tried, tested and failed faces will not work. Goa
> needs
> > a new start, a new energy, and a new polity, ruled by real people.
> >
> > But Goa is resilient. Even though there is a sense of foreboding, that we
> > have indeed surrendered, people give us hope. Activists, foot soldiers
> and
> > other crusaders, even out of India, tell us not to sign that final
> > surrender declaration and fight till we reclaim this land of ours both
> > physically and metaphorically.
> >
> > This chained land needs its real freedom fighters now and a very real
> > liberation. Let Dec 19, 2015 be the start of this liberation.

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