It was distressing to read Defence Minister Parrikar slamming green activists 
for approaching the NGT over projects like the third Mandovi bridge and garbage 
treatment infrastructure, even as he apparently expected them to take up the 
Mhadei issue with the Karnataka government. Surely the Hon. Defence Minister 
should be aware that when an elected government refuses to engage with its 
people by addressing the specific concerns expressed by them and keeps 
bulldozing contentious projects through, then citizens have no option but to 
take recourse to bodies like the NGT. Also, one would imagine that it is the 
task of the elected government to take up cudgels with the government of 
another state in case of a dispute. Does the Goa government not have the 
resources to approach the NGT? Mr. Parrikar should also tell the people whether 
the state government has undertaken the requisite EIA before going ahead with 
the construction of the 3rd Mandovi Bridge or does this government consider 
itself above  the rules of law? Has the Parrikar and now Parsekar led 
government ever deigned to answer the specific queries put to them regarding 
the anomalies in the proposed Mopa Airport project? Was construction of Mopa 
Airport in their manifesto? Was not getting rid of casinos in the BJP 
manifesto? What makes this promise '”impossible” now that they have the power 
to do so? Is the RP 2021 that the BJP government is offering the people not a 
hoax and going against their manifesto? These are questions that he needs to 

The former CM perhaps has not understood how insecure and pressurised the state 
government’s innumerable U turns have left the people feeling. Most of the 
projects being imposed upon Goa and Goans were not in the 2012 BJP manifesto 
based upon which it was voted into power, but part of the erstwhile Congress 
government’s alleged misdeeds which the people unambiguously rejected in the 
2012 elections and which are now being brazenly recycled by this government. 
With the BJP government’s patent contradictions having created a substantial 
trust deficit in the minds of the people, surely citizens cannot be expected to 
welcome garbage treatment plants in their backyards based on the government’s 
promises and  their track record of U turns! 

Defence Minister Parrikar should look within and sincerely consider whether the 
people are stalling so called development or whether the truth of the matter is 
that this government is operating in a disconnect with its people. Perhaps the 
first step in this exercise would be to check if the government’s “development 
plan” matches up to its election manifesto promises based upon which the people 
voted it into power. It appears that we Goans have unwittingly jumped from the 
frying pan into the fire.

Diana PInto

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