The VIP syndrome played a big part in terrorists breaching the security
cordons. This superiority and privileged status left over from the Raj
days, have become a millstone around the nations neck and has no place in a
Democracy. Hordes of VIPs are permitted to skip security procedures, get
priority, are permitted shortcut access right up to the aircraft and
restricted spaces etc which they misuse for their friends and relatives.
The Constitution and the Supreme Court has laid down only five statutory
authorities entitled to VIP exemptions. Even a SP vehicle  with blue light
gets VIP exemptions and  this is hazardous to the nation where terrorists
use serrvice uniforms in addition to make use of this syndrome! The
Pathankot attack proves this!Thus the VIP syndrome becomes an accomplice by
default . Isn't it high time Parliament legislates strictly by the
Constitution and Supreme Court directions on this VIP mindset and
proliferation it has encouraged? Author unknown "Woe to the nation that
hates oppression in her sleep and accepts it in her awakening.That raises
her voice only behind a coffin.That does not revolt until her neck is
placed on a scaffold".
Our nation mindset of politicians and their drivers and hanger-ons need to
be changed by strong public opinion and massive reaction by all those being
affected directly! The Supreme Court has acted and they could employ
contempt suo motto or if a PIL reminds them asking for follows up!

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 7:05 AM, Stephen Dias <steve.dia...@gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> In continuation of your above title  Editorial from Navhind Times on 6th
> Jan, 2016,  I would like to point out the following which I have noticed
> two days back ( 4th Jan '16),  in this New Year 2016 at Miramar circle.
> When I was passing by this new road Dona Paula to Miramar which is yet to
> be commissioned I noticed number of vehicles parked at haphazardly manner
> and quite number of policemen manning this traffic arrangement were
> helpless to ease the congestion.
> It so happened that two VIP vehicles having outside state registration with
> Red Beacon in it were trying to park their vehicles just on the road near
> the Miramar circle. Although there was no place to park but these drivers
> wanted somehow to get their vehicles fitted in some parking gap. The police
> men didn't  even bothered to help them because there were already vehicles
> parked and no place was existing. These VIP drivers wanted somehow to show
> off to their occupants and made such a scene that lots of congestion took
> place resulting traffic chaos. I was lucky having scooter which  I could
> cross many vehicles and managed to reach the circle. I told one of the
> driver of this VIP vehicle to get away from this place since it is
> impossible for him to park and that they are creating traffic congestion.
> One of the  occupant of the VIP vehicle  told me just see "what is on the
> top of our vehicle and shut up". I did not argue thinking I may land into a
> trouble as these occupants could be some Chief Ministers, DGP/IGP  or Chief
> Secretary or even Governors from other states. I did not tell the police
> either because they too were helpless.
> My point of argument here is whether this Red Beacon vehicles are really
> genuine or are they just come to Goa for sight seeing as they get all the
> permission and importance over other vehicles and best of facilities in
> Goa?
> I request the Directorate General of Police/Traffic In-Charge  and the
> Directorate of R.T.O to kindly instruct and verify whether these Red
> Beacons are genuine or not.  Our Traffic Cell policemen  must be given
> instructions to stop these VIP outside registration vehicles which are many
> times seen loitering in Goa beaches as they may be VIP's. Also they should
> be given powers to ask for the details of their vehicle and driving
> licences etc including whether the RED or Pink Beacon is been authorized to
> fix it up in their vehicles and if they are listed as per the guidelines
> from the Supreme Court orders.
> This is a really nuisance and if these vehicles are not genuine,  it may
>  land into terrorism activities in this State if not detected in time.
> Stephen Dias
> Senior Citizen
> Dona Paula
> Mob: 9422443110

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