Dear All,
Do consider: Must it always be this and must it be that? Seriously people,
say whether you are doing it in your own milieu. Responsibilities have to
be on our shoulders too, and more than equally.

Many of us learn to play an instrument, dance, etc. Everyone does not learn
to play the electronic organ in the seminary and then leave for open
pastures, find the youngest most impressionable woman and settle! Has
happened, yes. Some things happened about of LUCK. But not for all. The
POINT is that we have to learn to rise to certain levels. That takes work,
often spurning accompanying ridicules.

Talk to me and I will put anyone in touch with my sister-in-law in Goa who
can help remedy lackadaisical religious perspectives.
Or contact them directly. Anna & Valentine Coelho.

The church has slowly woken up. Very slowly. The pace is beyond pathetic.
Will it ever be a juggernaut in Goa. Do not bet willy-nilly on that
happening. BUT HOPE, AND PRAY FOR ITS CONVERSION. That chariot is rolling
over you though.

Make the connectives, and set in place correctives.

—Venantius J Pinto

On Sun, Jan 17, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Nelson Lopes <> wrote:

> The first miracle of wine at Cana Request from mother Mary,  Jesus though
> reluctant at first asked the disciples to fill the jars with water They
> heard him and obeyed .jesus wants us to hear him .Everyone is endowed with
> the gift to learn, but to varying degrees parents and individuals got out
> ofthe way to acquire skills and formal education at all costs. it is not
> the same enthusiasm when it comes to acquire spiritual or religious
> education, The investment in religious books, magazines, literature is on a
> different footing Some do not have even the Bible read it daily or have
> aplace of Honour in our homes we watch all tyes of Channels for soap opera
> et al, but how often do we switch on or subscribe to religious broadcasts
> or are even aware of their existence. The first religious teachers ought to
> be parents ,but they have transfered this responsibilty to schools ,
> teachers and Sunday Cathechism Fortunately now a days there are seminars
> courses, on religion and Books, People are not very eager to be educated,
> interested on the Bible, when Churches conduct such facilities on heir
> premises , Faithfuls depend on Sunday messages, novenas, residential  and
> non  residentials retreats for their relgious growth and sustenances of
> their beliefs Religion and learning of the Texts  must be considered as
> priority, when opportunity presents itself The children must be initiated
> in the same way formal education is treated Mere following of rituals and
> tradition one does not imbibe deep faith
> Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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