
Subject: [Goanet] (Bottled Water): Aquafina to say it comes from same
source as tap water
Dear Robin Viegas/ B.Sabha

This is a reply to your mail about Aquafina bottles;
Must find out whether Aquafina who are using water from "PUBLIC WATER
SOURCE  ( P> W> S> ) is well filtered and from what  kind of instrument is
 If the filtering technique  is not adequate  than water bottles sold to
public will be  therefore contaminated.

Just to inform you, that recently PWD water taps at Caranzalem was found
contaminated with sewage,( Herald reported in full swing)  and still the
PWD engineers and technicians  are on the job but of no success. Everyday
PWD workers are on the digging job. It seems that there are 4 pipes are
laid in the same area and one or two lines are contaminated. It seems the
bigger pipe is newly layed down is good. PWD is trying to connect all of
them, to the bigger size diameter piping as people are demanding. The water
sample are taken by PWD officals everyday in random without proper
procedure, no labeling , no House Number, No date and No marking in the
test tube, therefore all efforts to put the line in order
is unsuccessful. Except few houses all other people drink the water which
is contaminated without their knowledge.  I was told that Herald Manager's
 Mr. Michael's building is also affected  and he too gets the water
contaminated and smelling as per my sources. His building  line is today
 been asked to change but GOD only knows whether all the lines are of same
kind of contamination?
I have inspected these lines unofficially and found that one of the houses
at Caranzalem near the bakery the owner Mrs Daisy Dourado told me that the
PWD person asked her to shell out Rs.10,000/- for replacing 10 pipes which
goes to her house from the main road. Upon my intervention the PWD
Contractor was asked to fix it up only one new pipe which crosses the road
and connect to the old piping therefore she was saved of expenditure of
buying pipes. Her work is completed today.
 . That means the PWD contractor demands  people to replace the pipes at
their cost, by putting them in expenses and allegedly without any receipt.?
Very few people knows the real problem and they are buying filtered water
to drink water in their housing  and the rest drink contaminated water
which comes from the line.  I see these PWD staff carrying  open tube
collecting water sample everyday even at late evening without any lab.
procedure and discarding water sample without doing any tests on just
visual and smell.  This is perhaps an eye wash.
Nobody knows when the water line will be free for drinking. I do
not understand why 4 lines first of all were used in the same area,
it seems one line is MPLAD line of ex-MP John Fds, and others are fixed
with influence much earlier times, etc. his whole issue must be
investigated by CBI or PIL against such contamination by PWD. Who will do
that? People are illiterate and poor people are suffering with this
problem. There is a bakery nearby and nobody knows whether these breads
sold by them are contaminated or not and people are eating everyday.
One influential person also stays just nearby John Fernandes that is
 ex-Congress President..
I think Herald must investigate also and that Michael who resides closely
must find out what is happening of water contamination of sewage in the
area where he lives.
The situation is very critical and serious and PWD themselves do not know
what they are doing.
I have asked many houses in the vicinity of this contamination and all of
them said that the water is smelling and PWD also knows when they take
sample that water is smelling, but day by day they say  that it is reducing
the smell.
GOD only should help them.



Luckily we in Dona Paula get good direct line. and clean.
it seems this line goes to Governor Mridula Sinha Raj Bhavan  and I am
lucky in that case as I reside in Dona Paula.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula
date: 4th Feb 2016

Message: 4
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 15:01:52 +0000
From: Robin Viegas <robinvie...@hotmail.com>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: [Goanet] (Bottled Water): Aquafina to say it comes from same
        source as tap water

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

From: b sabha <bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com>


Aquafina to say it comes from same source as tap water ...<
The label on Aquafina water bottles will soon be changed to spell out that
the drink comes from the same source as tap water, the brand's owner
PepsiCo said Friday. A ...

The label on Aquafina water bottles will soon be changed to spell out that
the drink comes from the same source as tap water, the brand's owner
PepsiCo<http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/pepsico.htm> said

A group called Corporate Accountability International has been pressuring
bottled water sellers to curb what it calls misleading marketing practices.

Aquafina is the single biggest bottled water brand, and its bottles are now
labeled "P.W.S." The new labels will spell out "public water source."

"If this helps clarify the fact that the water originates from public
sources, then it's a reasonable thing to do," PepsiCo pep spokeswoman
Michelle Naughton said Friday.

The corporate accountability group is also pressing for similar concessions
from Coca-Cola<http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/coca-cola.htm>
ko, which owns the Dasani water brand.

Dasani's website says that Dasani comes from local water supplies and is
then filtered.

"We don't believe that consumers are confused about the source of Dasani
water," Coca-Cola spokeswoman Diana Garza Ciarlante said. "The label
clearly states that it is purified water."

Sales of bottled water has been a growing source of revenue for companies
such as PepsiCo, based in Purchase, N.Y., and Atlanta-based Coca-Cola as
they lessen their dependence on sales of traditional carbonated sodas, as
consumer concern over health issues has weakened demand.

 Also read:

Aquafine admits it is just tap water


On 4 February 2016 at 19:42, b sabha <bcsabha.kal...@gmail.com> wrote:

> http://abcnews.go.com/Business/aquafina-source-tap-water/story?id=3428260
> The label on Aquafina water bottles will soon be changed to spell out that
> the drink comes from the same source as tap water, the brand's owner
> PepsiCo <http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/pepsico.htm> said
> Friday.
> A group called Corporate Accountability International has been pressuring
> bottled water sellers to curb what it calls misleading marketing practices.
> Aquafina is the single biggest bottled water brand, and its bottles are
> now labeled "P.W.S." The new labels will spell out "public water source."
> "If this helps clarify the fact that the water originates from public
> sources, then it's a reasonable thing to do," PepsiCo pep spokeswoman
> Michelle Naughton said Friday.
> The corporate accountability group is also pressing for similar
> concessions from Coca-Cola
> <http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/coca-cola.htm> ko, which
> owns the Dasani water brand.
> Dasani's website says that Dasani comes from local water supplies and is
> then filtered.
> "We don't believe that consumers are confused about the source of Dasani
> water," Coca-Cola spokeswoman Diana Garza Ciarlante said. "The label
> clearly states that it is purified water."
> Sales of bottled water has been a growing source of revenue for companies
> such as PepsiCo, based in Purchase, N.Y., and Atlanta-based Coca-Cola as
> they lessen their dependence on sales of traditional carbonated sodas, as
> consumer concern over health issues has weakened demand.
> ========
>  Also read:
> https://www.inverse.com/article/5819-aquafina-admits-it-s-just-tap-water?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=on_site&utm_campaign=mobile
> Aquafine admits it is just tap water
> --
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