People and followers were amazed at his provocative and insightful wisdom.
He was the centre of attraction with mysterious characteristics that set
the son of carpenter apart. He travelled miles around which was his
credentials. His impact and influence was none like any other of his time.
Though some like to call him a moral and ethical teacher, but his radical
claims about himself astounded his followers and adversaries’ alike .His
unique claim was viewed as that of God actually in human form, purest with
sublime ethics His sermon on mount first talked about equal rights, he that
is greatest amongst you,let him be your servant .Both Gandhi and Thomas
Jeferson extolled his lofty moral teachings, that all men are created equal
.He ministered almost entirely outside established frame work. Only and
exclusively Jesus offers deliverance and forgiveness of sins and
transformation, unlike others prescribing instructions for way of life
.Only Jesus claimed divinity and only God can forgive sins. We may be part
of God and seeds of divinity are ingrained in all of us. Jesus said Come to
me, I am the truth,  obey him, and follow him He used the same phrase  I
AM, which God said to Abraham at burning bush in describing himself

Thus Jesus claimed power which uniquely belongs to God.. He raised the
dead, cured deaf, dumb , lepers, multiply bread in the name of God He
claimed to be more than prophet like no other before or thereafter .Jesus
 referred himself as son of God. He never proclaimed explicitly as God, or
man or prophet It cannot be discounted that Jesus being divine ,even if he
did not say so explicitly Jews belived in one God as Jesus did. He prayed
to Father, those who see me see the Father, no one can go to father except
through me. Further at Lazarus death , he says I am the resurrection and
life and those who believe shall  live, even physically dead in earthly
terms. Jews hated him and angered them, accused him for blasphemy for
making him God. Forgiving sins was outside the realm of human world. Coming
to judge at the end of the world was also considered blasphemous .Jesus was
not accepted a God, which is shocking truth Even to the last Jesus does not
retact or relinquish his claim to be son of God, In fact he would never
would be condemned to ignominious death on the cross if he retacted his
claim to be the son of God

Was Jesus God in flesh or was he a fake, lying or lunatic with God complex
?. nobody accused him  as a liar, misleading for political ends as is the
case normally, he could not build his entire ministry of fame, power,
success  the legacy on lies. Jesus was opposed to lying and hypocrisy and
not motivated to lie , even though the Jews   labored  in vain to expose
him as a fraud and liar What benefit would Jesus obtain through lies, God
has divine origin and inherent power, which divine source was claimed by
some rulers to consolidate their grip on followers. Jesus in fact chased
those who abused power. Jesus  reached out and touched powerless like
lepers, deaf, dumb, prostitutes, which activities are diametrically
opposite to urge for power With his divine power he could avoid death on
cross accepting it as his destiny and purpose. Dying does not bestows power
, as few die for a lie, but for a cause that death brings, The son of God
was crucified The ordinary son of a carpenter was catapulted to the world
stage, even though his disciples abandoned him and Peter denied him thrice
as prophesized

No one was resurrected  or predicted it advance to strengthen his legacy
The periodic aspirations of Mary in various parts of the world further
accentuate that Jesus Christ as the son of living God in union with his
Father Jeus is God divine in human form, born of Virgin Mary as the
scriptures predicted

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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