I write this with a heavy heart, a very heavy heart indeed! But, if you
read ahead, you will realize I have no choice but…..

 In speaking out I may be hurting some people but by maintaining silence I
would be failing in my duty to stand up for something that is very
basically wrong.

 At the outset let me say that I have the highest respect for the most
Reverend Father Lawrence Fernandes who has been a very proactive Parish
Priest of Ribandar since May 2014. He has tirelessly toiled to uplift our
church in every way possible.

 But his very questionable conduct over the last fortnight in the current
Corporation of City of Panaji (CCP) polls has left me in great despair and
in a deep sense of anguish. It has totally shaken that rock solid faith and
trust I have had in Father Lawrence Fernandes.

 The background: - Ribandar has two wards which are part of CCP - Ward 29
which has this time been reserved for Women and Ward 30 which stands
reserved for the OBC.

 In the current CCP poll, Ms. Vanita Fernandes alias Kshama, a known and
liked Ribandar resident, was keen to contest from Ward 29. She had
contested from here in 2011 and had polled a whopping 450 votes but lost by
a mere 120-vote margin. Vanita, who is an active member of the Ribandar
Parish was persistently pressurized and unduly coerced by Father Lawrence
Fernandes to NOT contest the CCP elections against the BJP.

When I discovered the fact of this undue, unwarranted and wrong pressure
and intimidation being exerted on Vanita, I did call Father Fernandes to
respectfully seek an explanation. His very distasteful defense was that he
had to oblige BJP MLA Sidharth Kunkolienkar and that if the BJP candidate
was not elected in Ribandar, the government funds for the repairs of the
Church would not be forthcoming.

Frankly, I was flabbergasted and stunned with this horrendous justification
given. Should a man of GOD be swayed by such considerations….? You decide!

 Religious shrines are Institutions for the upliftment of the flock and
certainly CANNOT be a den for political chicanery. Father Lawrence
Fernandes has exceeded his brief by acting contrary to our cherished holy
and democratic values. EVERY desiring candidate has a right to contest and
EVERY voter has a sacred right to vote for a candidate of his or her
choice. That is what Democracy is all about!

 A Priest has an obligation to proclaim the Church’s teachings. It is up to
each of us, examining our individual conscience, to discern which party and
candidate affirms, believes and appreciates those teachings, and hence whom
to vote.

 Pope John Paul II asked in his 1993 address for Priests to remember their
roles and to follow Jesus’ example: "Like Jesus, a priest must renounce
involvement in political activity, especially by not taking sides, which
almost inevitably happens."

 Dear Father Lawrence Fernandes, we will always remember your laudable
service to the Ribandar Church. Sadly, however, we cannot forget that you
high-handedly denied and punctured Vanita Fernandes’ aspiration to contest
the CCP election and serve the community. Your defense as to why you had to
do so defies all logic. The events have been very distasteful, but may God
decide who was wrong.

 Would we sell our faith for thirty pieces of silver? If this can be the
precursor to the run up to the 2017 Assembly elections, God help Goa.

But for now, having emptied my aching heart, I feel lighter. Despite what
has happened, we will continue to love and respect you Rev Father Lawrence
Fernandes, for “…. to err is human and to forgive is divine”


Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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