I read Aires Rodrigues' posts with interest as he exposes the wrongdoings of 
politicians, legal luminaries, clergy and indeed all and sundry.

However his latest Goanet post about a Goan male model being charged for 
"forcibly having sexual intercourse with a woman on pretext of marriage" has me 
thinking the following  thoughts:

Aires is repeating the facts about the legal process being taken against  
Siddesh Juvecar. He is neither criticizing the procedure nor bringing new facts 
to light. Where is the activism here. How different is this from what a 
reporter produces.

The second is: how does what looks to me like consensual sex become "forcible". 
Didn't he promise marriage in order to make it consensual. If it was forcible, 
he didn't have to promise anything.

Next is: why does Indian law allow for prosecution of a man who has sexual 
inter course by promising marriage to a woman. Isn't it for the woman to 
discern what is promised to her and pay the consequences for a wrong decision. 
I can understand the charge of cheating, but rape for promising and not 
marrying seems a far stretch. Should you charge a woman with rape if she 
seduces you, promising to marry and then gives you the raspberry. Wouldn't you 
laugh instead of taking the matter to court.

And lastly: some Indian courts have dropped rape charges if the man marries the 
person who is supposed to have raped her. Are our Indian women so lacking in 
confidence that they will force a man to marry her only under threat of a 
felony crime. Shotguns still in vogue I suppose.

It's time this particular Indian law grew up a little.

Roland Francis
  • ... Roland
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا

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