The following articles by Udaya Kumar, Satish Deshpande and Partha
Chatterjee in the EPW help to offer some perspective to the larger issues
which underlie the recent goings on at Hyderabad Central University, JNU
and other universities. I hope that reading them might stimulate Goan
readers to reflect more deeply on the issues involved. Feel free to forward
them to others so that a more rational debate emerges.

The University Under Siege[image: Subscribe to The University Under Siege]
The Public University after Rohith-Kanhaiya
Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 <>
The University Under Siege <>
Satish Deshpande <>

The public university is on its way to becoming a truly democratic space.
It is the only site in contemporary India where all major social groups
come together in more or less egalitarian conditions. In every other social
location, there are various forms of segregation, not to speak of explicit
hierarchies. The public university is thus a unique and historically
unprecedented space from the point of view of the democratisation of
society. This is also the reason why existing social hierarchies and power
centres are beginning to view it as a threat.

   - Read more about The Public University after Rohith-Kanhaiya

The University and Its Outside
Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 <>
The University Under Siege <>
Udaya Kumar <>

In the new conception being put forward by the government, the university
is considered as a skill factory which, through mass production, will
address the needs of the country's economy. This model thinks of
universities not as laboratories of thought but as factories where
activities are performed in unison. Instead of a cohabitation of
differences in friendship and respectful, heated disagreement, you have a
paranoid fantasy that gets rid of all real diversity.

   - Read more about The University and Its Outside

Freedom of Speech in the University
Vol. 51, Issue No. 11, 12 Mar, 2016 <>
The University Under Siege <>
Partha Chatterjee <>

There is a concerted campaign in the political arena, the media and even
Parliament questioning the presumed autonomy of the university. The law
must apply equally everywhere, we are being told, and so why should the
university enjoy a special privilege? There is a fundamental confusion
here, caused by lazy thinking or deliberate obfuscation, about the actual
limits to freedom of speech in the university and the appropriate
authorities who can enforce them.

   - Read more about Freedom of Speech in the University

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