Gripping Toronto is an incident that took place late last year.

On a Sunday afternoon in a new family van, a 65 year old and his wife were 
driving back their 3 grandchildren between the ages of 9 and 2 home, from where 
they had come for the weekend.

On an intersection from a right angled direction came a speeding SUV driven by 
a 29 year old man with almost 3 times the legal limit of alcohol coursing 
through his blood.

The family van was T-boned, the children died and so did the grandfather. The 
grandmother survived and the drunk driver escaped unscathed.

Coming from one of Canada's richest families and heir to a construction 
fortune, the young man was about to have his wedding,  had gone to Florida to 
celebrate his bachelor party and had returned in his private jet. Forgoing a 
taxi or a private limo or any other means of returning home from the airport, 
except driving himself, he caused the horrific tragedy.

He pleaded guilty to all charges and was found guilty in court a few weeks ago. 
Today was his sentencing and he was given 10 years behind bars and 12 years of 
licence suspension after that.

Here a the mother's sorrowful reaction at a press conference after his 

Roland Francis

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