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Reading the current issue of Goan Observer, I was
amazed at the figures given regarding payment of taxes
by some of the politicians/ministers. 
When NRIs like me think of coming back to Goa to
settle down, there are some who attack us saying we
want to get the benefit of the state in our old age.
But considering the looting that is taking place in
Goa by those enjoying political power, what retired
NRIs would get can be compared to chicken feed.
When poor or underprivileged people "cheat" or try to
circumvent the law, they are accused of being theives
and charged and often jailed. But the political
heavyweights go scot-free.
Also surprising in the report was how the BJP and
Congress will choose their candidates. Rajan's style
of writing the report (which are interviews with the
top officials of the respective parties) is rather
confusings. Without quotes it becomes hard to follow
if it is Margaret Alva who is talking or Rajiv. 
However, the thrust of the story is that both parties
would select candidates with money and muscle power,
in some cases both. In other words, this is a subtle
encouragemen t for Goan youth to arms. It calls upon
the youth to become goons and make money in whatever
way possible to carry political weight.
The story is about "winnability". True, parties want
candidates who can win. But in choosing this path,
both parties seemed to have abandoned ethics and
morality. This, however, seems fine when one sees the
larger picture of Indian politics. Following such a
dreadful avenue would only make Goa another UP.
The political scenario has been vitiated by corruption
and nepotism. That most of the MLAs get re-relected
every time only shows that voters are gullible in
swallowing all the hogwash that these self-styled
perpetual conscience-keepers of Goa throw at them.
The article confirms that a candidate can buy a ticket
as I was told by a former MLA who was denied a ticket.
A person who paid more than 3 or 4 lakhs was given the
ticket. Luckily, the person who bribed the party for
the ticket won.
Sad state of affairs. It won't change with this
election. Perhaps never.


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