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Communal forces seem to be raising the tempo in the run-up to elections
(see article below). Gova Doot had a front-page splash (which Fred had
posted) on this a few days ago, with all kinds of laudatory and
inflammatory comments. Various questions arise:

1. If most of these 'wayward' individuals were from Maharashtra and
Gujarat, why did this Ratnagiri Swami have to come to Goa to do this
mischievous act? Does the fact that Goa is on the verge of elections
have anything to do with it? And that with a substantial Christian
population, the scope for playing these mischevious anti-Christian games
is greater in Goa: note the comment about 'under the influence of
Christian missionaries'? And that Goa is now providing a very hospitable
environment for fascist Hindutva forces?
2. What kind of perverted thinking is it that says that women who marry
people from other religions should convert to their husbands' religion?
And if this chappie is only 'bringing people back into the fold', how
does he justify this act of 'converting' these women? How does he square
all this rubbish with Hinduism, which has no concept of 'conversion'?
3. Our politicians are happily playing with fire. Pandurang Madkaikar is
hardly a surprise, but what was Victoria Fernandes doing at this binge?
Note that both are Congress politicians (though both have merrily
cohabited with the BJP in the past). The Congress seems determined to
try to live up to its reputation as 'BJP-lite' when it comes to

The scope for mischief by such elements is unlimited, and we citizens
need to be alert against this kind of stuff.


Gomantak Times, 1/5/07, p.4  

Naniz seer reconverts 760 individuals to Hinduism

Back into the fold

MANGUESHI: His Holiness Swami Narendra Maharaj, the seer of Jagadguru
Ramanandcharya Peeth, has reconverted 760 individuals who were earlier
in Hinduism fold and had converted to Christianity under the influence
of Christian missionaries.

These individuals, a majority of them hailing from different parts of
Maharashtra and Gujarat, and a few from Goa, were formally absorbed into
Hinduism fold after performing Hindu religious rituals and attended by
the seer from Naniz (Ratnagiri district) at a function held at
Bainguinuim, Old Goa, recently. In addition to these families, three
Christian and four Muslim girls who had married Hindu boys were
administered 'diksha' and converted to Hinduism.

Addressing a largely attended gathering, which was marked by the
presence of Transport Minister Pandurang Madkaikar and Santacruz MLA
Victoria Fernandes, the Swamiji said that in one-and-half years he had
succeeded in reconverting 19,229 individuals back to Hinduism. Stating
that Hinduism was in danger, the Swamiji appealed to all Hindus to
forget the barriers of caste, creed and unite. "We are not indulging in
conversions. WE are only getting those wayward individuals back to the
fold of Hinduism who had earlier strayed from this religion," he said.

The seer from Naniz also demanded the formation of an independent
ministry which would protect the interests of Hindus. 

"Hindus who are in a minority in those states should get the same
benefits as granted to other religious minorities," he added, while
appealing to the gathering to support only those candidates who endorse
the Hindu school of thought.
Question everything -- Karl Marx

Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

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