One fine Sunday morning, LuisPidade was sitting on an easy-chair andreading a 
news-paper. His little son (Chintu) comes to him and says:-

Chintu: Dad.

LuisPidade: Yes Son.

Chintu: I want to ask you something, can I?

LuisPidade: Go on Son.

Chintu: I have seen that you and Mom always quarrel, why Dad?

LuisPidade: You better ask this to your Mom.

Chintu: Hmmmm, Dad, which marriage is good? Love marriage or Arrangemarriage?

LuisPidade: I don’t know Son.

Chintu: Dad, how much does it cost to get married?

LuisPidade: My Son, I really don’t know, all I know that I am still payingfor 

Cajetan de Sanvordem


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