We at GSRP  made it a point to  visit the protesting Cavremkars at the Azad
Maidan, today this evening. They were  mostly women and children among men
totaling  aprox about 80 to hundred. It was a pleasure to address them and
make them laugh a bit making them forget their concerns for the future,
their  sorrows.

I introduced myself as a 'KANEKAR',  one who is selling Onions and not as a
politicians. This  was something that they did not expect and it was claps
all around. "Do you see just one onion vendor or a line of them when you go
to the market?"  "Do you pick up your load from the first one you see or
check out others too for the quality and price?" "Does anyone give you
onions for free?" "If one vendor wants to give you his onions for half the
going price or less, do you open your bag?" " NO?"  "Why?" "Because you
know that most of those onions will be rotten if not all. Isn't it?"  "What
happens when you cut  onions?" "Your eyes get stung and tears come out,
Isn't it?"  If the onion is rotten inside, will those tears be of joy or
anger?" " Will you not be happy if you get good onions for less?"  Does it
not take some pains, time and effort  to find out this commodity when you
are shopping?"  "When you cut these good onions will your tears not be of

Consider the coming elections as a market place where all political parties
are selling political onions. If there were just two vendors, you would
probably avoid the Nagpur onion walla and go to the home grown one, because
the Nagpurwala makes you sweat in the hot sun at far away Panjim's  Azad
Maidan, as if you had nothing else to do,  tormenting and harassing you,
not giving in to your demands. But is that possible to have only two onion
vendors in the political market place? In fact every one will be squatting
there tempting you with their brand of onions. Therefore, you must be smart
enough to check out the  onions thoroughly before you invest in them,
turning them over, pressing them to find out if they are soft and rotten,
checking out the price, etc. NO? Because, when you take your onions home,
you should not cry bitter tears of frustration  and helplessness coupled
with anger and irritation for making the wrong choice. In fact your tears
should be the tears of JOY for  having made a choice to help yourself and
not the Onionwalla.

And if you should come to check out 'our' [GOA SU-RAJ PARTYS]  onions, you
will see that ours have just '5 member cabinet', not 12  (your tax money
saved so that the crippling load on the future of your children, the
70,000/- crores of public debts may be paid off), No Corporations and
Institutions to MLAs (these Organizations will make  profits rather than
losses. Example they built 3 toilets for 6 crores, can you imagine? ), You
get Co-operative Mining as well as Rs. 10,000/- per month per every Goan
Household per month for the next 25 years  thrown in as mining profit share
 so that you don't need Laadly Laxmi, BPL schemes  etc etc.). You get your
agriculture thriving. You get your  forests back. You get rid of MOPA to
save your beloved Dabolim airport besides getting the Navy out. You get
Kadamba running from 5 a.m to 2 a.m. on new and original tyres, not
re-threaded ones. You get fly-overs and bridges as well  as fast moving
river boats for transport so that you don't have to slog it out on roads
and die under the wheels of buses and trucks. You get MOI  for your
children in primary schools in their  mother tongue Konkani  so that your
kids understand what they are taught, these vital instructions  to stay
with them forever and go to make them Goans of repute, capable of learning
 English, Marathi, Hindi, French, Portuguese or even Chinese and Japanese
in their life-time and be successful, with state of the art PRIMARY SCHOOLS
throughout Goa......... and,  excellent law and order so that they do not
break the bones of those who are put in jails, and refuse to take action on
the culprits in spite of everything been recorded on CCTV cameras.  You
will probably have to sleep here if I go on and on, so I better stop.

And one last thing so that you can think about it while you are travelling
back home to Cavrem. You get your own High Command in Goa so that if you
want to throw a stone and break some heads for taking wrong decision which
make you suffer like this, then you do not have to travel all the way to
Delhi,Nagpur, or elsewhere. You can just pick up a stone and throw it right
here in Goa, anywhere, on any one  to draw blood.

All this ended in a terrific applause.

Safe journey back home, Cavremkars, until we meet again.

GSRP for Goa's Own High Command in Goa.


On Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Ravindra Velip <velipravin...@gmail.com>

> Dear all
> This is to inform you that the villagers of Caurem will be holding Morcha
> at the office of the Director of Mines & Geology, Panaji for allowing
> illegal transportation of unaccounted ore in the name of transportation of
> e-auctioned ore which is currently taking place. The villagers also seek
> answers to the earlier letters submitted in his office asking him to
> correct the illegalities, loopholes and flaws which are causing theft of
> iron ore.
> The villagers will be then holding full day dharna at Azad Maidan for their
> following demands:
> 1. Direction from Chief Minister Shri. Laximikant Parcekar to the concern
> authorities to immediately register 'The Sadhana Multipurpose Co-operative
> Society' and allow to transport the legally e-auctioned ore through the
> society.
> 2. Immediate halt to the illegal transportation of ore which is taking
> place in the name of e-auctioned ore.
> 3. Proper inquiry into Sada sub-jail assault and medical negligence in the
> matter of Ravindra Velip
> 4. Immediate inquiry in to assault of Caurem tribal villagers by police
> when they were in the police custody of Quepem police station on
> 06.04.2016.
> Date: 18.04.2016
> Time: 10.30 am
> Venue : Azad Maidan, Panaji
> Looking forward for your kind support
> With regards
> --
> *Ravindra A. Velip*
> Sadhana Helpdesk
> F-09, Daasha Classic Bldg
> Quepem - Goa
> Mob. 9404913435/9764078375, Off. (0832) 2663435
> sadhanahelpd...@gmail.com
> https://www.caurem.weebly.com

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