>From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute .....

April 21st is the Birthday of St. Joseph Vaz, born in 1656
April 22nd is Earth Day.

 Hence, we are inviting all followers of St. Joseph Vazto celebrate these two 
significant dates this week. The rain forests and biological diversity of the 
landstraversed by St. Joseph Vaz, namely Goa, Mangalore, and Sri Lanka are 
among theearth’s precious Nature areas. The Western Ghats have been designated 
World Heritagesites by the U.N. Butprecious agricultural, coastal, and wetland 
areas are being ravaged by miningand ecologically damaging development. Pope 
Francis, the Pope who canonized St.Joseph Vaz has given us the outstanding 
Encylical, Laudatio Si, onthe environment. We urge everyone to read it and to 
use it as a model tocare for our planet and the St. Joseph Vaz’ homelands of 
India, particularlyGoa and Mangalore, and Sri Lanka.  The Joseph Naik Vaz 
Institute has signed up toparticipate in the California Interfaith April 22nd 
Prayer at 12p.m. We invite you to say the Climate Blessing Prayer belowon both 
April 21st and April 22nd at 12 p.m.  At 12pm your time, pause and take amoment 
to feel the power of prayer and to recommit to caring for the Earth. 
Pleaseemail us about your participation at josephnaik....@gmail.com  Climate 
We Hold the Earth We hold brothers and sisters who suffer from storms 
anddroughts intensified by climate change. We hold all species that suffer. We 
hold world leaders delegated to make decisions for life.We pray that the web of 
life may be mended throughcourageous actions to limit carbon emissions. We pray 
for right actions for adaptation and mitigationto help our already suffering 
earth community. We pray that love and wisdom might inspire my actionsand our 
actions as communities.  so that we may, with integrity, look into the eyes 
ofbrothers and sisters and all beings and truthfully say, we are doing our 
partto care for them and the future of the children. May love transform us and 
our world with new stepstoward life.  Berkeley, California, April 
2016http://www.josephnaikvaz.org/   #yiv1514289687 -- 
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