FOOD FOR THE SOUL -  Marriage  (English)

What is marriage ?  Why is it a Sacrement ? Is it a relationship between two ?
Today many divorces would have been avoided only if couples knew the meaning
And value of marriage.  Fr Augustine Vallooran,  provides some
valuable insight  on
The Sacrement of Marriage  in his video, link below :

Marriage (English) – by Rev Fr.  Augustine Vallooran, Divine Retreat Center

Verses for the WEEK  :

John 8 : 12

I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will
have the light of life

You are invited to download and share the food with those who do not
have access to the net.  Thereby,  working for The Lord in his
vineyard  by  nourishing  some souls.

Dev borem korum

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